Chapter 1

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-Y/n pov-
-after you meet everyone and have a house so like a week later-

I was napping quite peacefully when I hear a loud BAM. I ran down the stairs to see Garroth broke down my door again, third time this week, "MY DOOR!" I yelled running over to him. "You better have a good reason to break down my door."

"There's a man at the gates claiming to be your brother." (I'm just making this up as I go along :/) Brother?! I haven't seen my brother since..... that happened.

"Well uhh let's go then." I say running out of where my door was.

When we got there I saw him, Josh, (sorry but I'm making your brother up) all I could do was stare. I haven't seen him for 10 years (you're 21 Josh is your twin).

"Y-y/n," he mutters slowly walking towards me. I suddenly run forward and hug him crying.

"I-i missed you s-so much..." I could hardly say through my sobs.

"I missed you t-to." He says though sobs.

After our little moment we broke apart and stoped crying. Everyone was so confused, "Everyone this is my brother, Josh, that I haven't seen in many years." The confusion left their faces as they stared in awe at how much we look alike, seeing as we're identical twins, same e/c eyes and h/c hair. He's basically the male version of me.

"Not to ruin the moment but Josh can live here if he would like." Aphmau jumped into the moment. I looked at Josh with hopeful eyes.

"Um sure I guess but I-"

I quickly cut him off, " I know what you're gonna say and you can live with me!!!!!" I say excitedly jumping up and down.

"Ok then it's settled, Josh will stay with y/n and sorry to cut this short but I gotta go." Aphmau wrapped up the conversation and ran off.

Ok guys I'm going to end it here, yeah I know you are aarons sister but you just wait and you'll see what I have planed, kinda, I don't really plan well but we'll see how this goes BYEEEEEEE

Her Demons (Aaron's Sister){DanteXReader} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now