XII [ending]

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Today is the day.

This is it. The day where I tie the knot with AJ . Ive been so nervous leading up to this day, but a little part of me is happy?

I don't know. My mind is filled with mixed emotions. The day had gone by so fast. Before I knew it, I would be married in hours.

I took a deep breathe in as my older sister finished fitting me into the dress. "You look so beautiful ashley," he hands rested on my shoulders and she looked into the mirror at us.

"Its crazy, that this day would even come, I told her as i held her hands with mine.

"And im so proud and happy for you," aj is a good man, hes so lucky to have you."

"Stop it," i laughed at her for teasing.

"Its true, mrs jones," she ran her fingers through my hand slightly, fixing it.


"....you're my equal, i promise trust. And lastly, i promise to love and cherish you every single moment of everyday, as long as we both shall live. I love you."

"And now by the power vested in the state of Georgia! I now pronounce you husband and wife. Kiss your bride, A.J," our priest smirked, causing the whole audience to laugh with us. Did i mention that the priest we hired is Big E?

Aj and i lean into each other as our lips touched in a soft kiss. I can hear the crowd clapping and cheering.

"May i introduce, The new couple! Mr and Mrs Jones!" Big E claps. And the celebration begins.


The whole day has been a blast. It started off as a panic. Getting married and all that was nerve-racking. But i loved it. The whole day, full of laughter and happiness.

After the ceremony we had our dinner party. It was surely crazy, but i think dad was the craziest tonight. Finally, i gave him what he wanted and hes happy. Ric, your daughter is no longer a 30 year old lonely girl no more.

Also, did i mention that becks caught the Bouquet?? I cannot wait to be bridesmaid at her wedding now.

Aj and i were now back at the hotel as i sat on the edge of the bed on my phone. I scrolled through Instagram and twitter realising the wedding was already getting spread.

The sound of the hotel door suddenly opened and i looked up to see Aj enter.

"Is she back in her room?" I asked him, referring to his mother.

"Yep, she will go back tomorrow morning." He closed the door behind him and took a seat next to me.

"So we are married now?" He laughed, he laud back on the bed and faced the ceiling.

"I know right, its wild."

He laughed. I laid back too next to him and looked up at the ceiling.

"Aj i need to tell you something," i whispered.

"What is it?" He sat up and waited for me to reply.

I sat back up and took a deep breathe. "Well.."

He waited.

"So whats the plan now?" I asked.

"Thats what you had to tell me?" He shook his head with a smile," i guess what we planned from the start. The marriage, a couple years down the line, then the file for divor-"

"But thats not what i want," i mumbled, interrupting him.

"What?" He looked confused.

"Thats not what i want," i repeated. Clearer this time.

He still looked confused. Or shocked.

He was about to speak before i interrupted him, "look," i got up and walked over to my suitcase. I opened the front pocket and took out a piece of paper.

I walked back slowly towards the bed and sat down again. I took a deep breath before unfolding it. My thumb brushes over the slightly smudge pencil writing before handing it over to A.J. He took it and started reading it.

"You said that one day, i will read that to you. And im going to do that right now."

He looked back up to me, in a way. But i wasnt sure what it was.

"I dont need the paper," i began," i know that we've come to an agreement on this whole marriage plan. But, these past couple of weeks that weve gotten to know each other. Ive learnt so much about you, and i am just so, so thankful. You have been by my side through this whole experience."

"And i couldnt be more grateful for everything. You put me and my family before yourself. And thats something id never thought someone would do for me. "

"What im trying to say is," my eyes started tearing up, "i dont want this whole plan. I dont want to put on a show, like we do for work. I dont want a divorce. I just..want this to be real. Us," i grabbed his arm. Hoping that he would fee the same.

But then, he slowly removed his arm away from my hand then grabbed ahold of both of my hands. "Ashley, you dont need to do this to thank me. Im not forcing you to do anything. If you dont want this, we can do the plan. I wont mind." He told me.

"Is that what you want?" I asked him, "seriously? What do you want? Its always been about what my family wants. What about you?"

"To be honest?" He looked down, but then looked back up, "i want this. I want us too. But i dont think you feel the same as i do. What we said wasnt just vows, i truly meant it."

I knew it. He did. He loved me.

"I want this too," i whispered. I smiled at him as i gripped his hands harder.

A.J lets a hand go to brush a strand of hand away from my face. His hand touched my cheek, caressing it with his thumb. He leaned in closer so that i could feel his breath. He softly placed his lips on mine. I kissed him back.

It was our first, real kiss.

Not for show

Not fake

It was real.

We both pulled away and looked at each other. We both smiled.

Never would i have thought that in my life, i would have met someone quite like AJ Styles. I was happy.

"Mrs Jones," he wrapped his arm around me then kissed my forehead.

"I love you," i whispered.


DUN DUN DUN. omg thats the end!

i apologise that it took this damn long to finish writing the ending. I also apologising for being annoying by unpublishing this book again and again(and to the other books) but due to personal reasons i had to.

I did promise a friend that i would be finishing this a couple of days ago, but i have been sick and therefore unable to do it in time...

This has been one of my favourite books to write and i am forever grateful.

thank you for all your support for this book and charaj. I still cannot believe that this book is over. Tick to another completed story. Thankyou for all your votes, reads and comments. I cannot thankyou enough, i
this book wouldn't be here without your support.

love you all so much, and long may charaj reign.

Ally ❤️

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