Chapter 54

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Chapter 54 

Sunday morning found Harry sitting on a couch in his living room, looking out of the large windows as he often did when he wanted to think. He had much to think about and had been at it all night. When the exploration party had returned Harry had asked that the word go out for a family gathering the following day to begin with brunch and then go on for as long as it took. There was a lot to discuss after what had occurred the previous day and Harry had learned that having all the different perspectives of his family available made it easier to unravel the puzzles he often encountered. The sun was visible above the trees on the edge of the meadow when Harry heard his named being called from behind him. 

"Harry? Have you been in here all night?" Ginny asked. 

"Yes. There was just too much to consider for me to think I'd get to sleep," he said as she walked up to stand by the couch. 

"Are you going to be able to stay awake when the family is here?" 

"I'm sure I'll pay for it later but I should be able to manage it," he said. 

Ginny sat down on the couch next to him, and taking hold of his arm, said, 

"From what the boys were talking about it must have been an amazing thing to see." 

Harry looked at his wife and a thought occurred to him. 

"Do you feel left out of the things I've been doing lately?" 

It surprised him when he heard Ginny laughing. 

"Sweetheart, don't let all that stuff from our school days give you the wrong idea. I did those things because we all had to. Plus my three years with the Harpies provided plenty of excitement," she said with a smile. "Yes, it might have been interesting to have seen what went on in that cavern, but the hike through the forest in the winter cold is not my idea of fun or exciting. In case you haven't figured it out yet, remember that I am Molly Weasley's daughter. Being a wife and mother is all the excitement I need and want. Especially with you lot. I think I've made my contribution to the world of magic, no matter how small, and now I'm content and very happy with my life as it is." 

Harry smiled back at her and with a little nod, he leaned over and gave her a kiss, brief but with feeling. She smiled again as he leaned back. 

"If you want to add some excitement to my life, a little more of that would be welcome. Now, how about some breakfast?" 

Harry laughed as he stood up and helped Ginny to her feet. Arm in arm, they walked to the kitchen and breakfast and to begin preparing for the busy day ahead. 

By eleven o'clock, the great majority of Harry's extended family had arrived at the house. Food had been laid out in the kitchen and those so inclined could prepare a plate and sit in the living room with the rest. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley had taken charge of the grandchildren and herded them down to the basement playroom so the adults could concentrate on the topic of the day. Mrs. Granger was giving them an assist, particularly with her granddaughter, Rose. 

"If I might suggest, Harry, why don't we start from the beginning and fill everyone in on what's been found. I know for some it's been a little spotty," Bill said. 

"Sounds like a good idea. But those of you who were with me, please feel free to jump in if I miss something," Harry replied. 

He started the story from the beginning, from the time he first sensed the presence in the forest and working toward when he and the others left the chamber just the day before. Bill, Charlie, Ron and Abagail offered up comments here and there, especially when describing what was going on in the chamber while Harry was experiencing the barrage of images. When he concluded his description of events he said, 

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