Chapter two

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Melany's POV

As we approached Jules Beverly Hills residence, finding a parking spot became quite the challenge. The parking lot was full of cars giving us a fair idea of the amount of people who had already arrived. And we could tell it was large. Just as we located a small space to park, Nicole Ross, the school's most conceited and spiteful girl, swooped in and occupied it, casting us an insolent smirk, as though unaware of our intention to park there.

For some inexplicable reason, this bitch hates me so much and I later found out from gossip that she likes Cole but he likes me so maybe that's the reason. But that's not my problem, it's hers. I have never let her behavior get to me and I won't let it now, not this moment. Jules decided to pack at her childhood crush, Theo's house which was a couple of houses away. We had to walk from Theo's house and trust me it was no easy feat considering the six-inch heels I was wearing.

We reached Jules' house but before I could enter, I caught a glimpse of a god and the captivating sight halted my steps. There, before me, stood a vision of perfection. I couldn't help but pause, completely entranced by his presence. He stood by the trunk of a Mercedes Benz, conversing with another equally handsome guy, likely his friend judging by their camaraderie. Towering at 6 feet 4 inches, he made my 5 feet 4 inches, even in heels, feel diminutive. His complexion was flawlessly smooth, and atop his head sat a mane of luscious silk-black hair, the kind that begged to be touched. Strangely, an impulse coursed within me, urging me to approach and run my fingers through his locks, though the idea was utterly preposterous given that he was a total stranger. From my vantage point, I couldn't discern the color of his eyes as he stood partially turned away. My thoughts drifted to the sound of his laughter mingling with his friend's words. It was a laughter unlike any I had heard before: resonant, endearing, and undeniably alluring. Only one word seemed fitting to describe it: 'sexy'.

As I was lost in admiration, my reverie was suddenly interrupted by the sensation of a body pressing against mine. I turned to find none other than Cole, standing there with a gaze fixated on me as if I were a delectable meal he longed to devour. It appeared he had drifted into his own world, so I resorted to snapping my fingers in front of him to jolt him back to reality. He shook his head slightly at the gesture, his eyes betraying unmistakable desire.

"Whoa, Mellie, you look absolutely stunning," Cole exclaimed, finally releasing the breath he seemed to be holding since he laid eyes on me.

"Cole, I've told you countless times not to call me that," I replied firmly.

It sounds so creepy and weird, especially coming from him. It gives me a crazy feeling that makes my skin crawl. It was then that I realized I was still standing at the entrance while my friends had likely gone inside.

"What are you doing out here anyway?" He asked, breaking the awkward silence.

My cheeks flushed crimson as I remembered why I hadn't entered yet. I glanced around, hoping to catch another glimpse of the handsome stranger, but they were gone.

"Nothing," I mumbled in response.

"Then let's head inside. It's getting wild in there," he suggested, oblivious to the fact that he was practically shouting over the booming music emanating from the house.

***A while later***

I found myself not enjoying the party like I planned to. Instead, my mind played tricks on me. I was trying to engage in the merrymaking, but my mind was continuously drifting back to the mysterious stranger I had seen earlier.

I suddenly felt suffocated at a party I had looked forward to for a long time. The party was going great,the atmosphere was lively, yet I yearned to be elsewhere, to be with him.

"Stupid fool, you don't even know him," my inner voice scolded me, attempting to reason with my irrational feelings. But try as I might, I couldn't shake off this inexplicable attraction. I couldn't even understand it myself. I didn't understand my own emotions, let alone why I was experiencing them.

"You stupid hormones, I hate you," I cursed under my breath, frustrated as I blew out air.

Seeking solace, I stepped outside for some fresh air, only to find the night sweltering despite the gentle breeze and the darkness that has engulfed the night. What is happening to me?

"Oh God, what is wrong with me?" I cried out silently, looking up at the sky, hoping for some sort of anwer that I knew wouldn't come.

By the look on Annie's face when she found me outside I knew she had been looking for me for a long while and she had noticed I was not my usual self which worried her.

"Mel, what's wrong?" She asked, her eyes filled with concern.

"It's nothing, Ann, really. I just feel a bit tired and thought some fresh air might help," I replied, hoping to brush off her worry. But she wasn't convinced.

"Come on, Mel. Don't lie to me. Tell me what's bothering you," she persisted, her caring look resembling that of a concerned mother.

"I'm truly okay, Annie. I just need some quiet time and fresh air," I insisted.

"Okay, then in that case I am going to sit here with you. You can't be out here all alone."

"No dear, this is your night, go and enjoy it with James".

James has been dating Annie for three years now. Although I am not fond of him, I've made an effort for the sake of my friend's happiness. I distinctly recall him attempting to make advances towards me in the past, which I immediately rebuffed. I pondered over telling her about it but decided against it. She was so genuinely happy with him, and I couldn't bear to be the one to shatter that happiness. So, I chose to keep silent and let the matter slide, burying my own feelings for the sake of her joy.

"Don't give me that, we are family and family comes first. Besides, I know you too well and I know all is not well".

"I'm sorry Ann, I don't feel like being here. I want to go to somewhere else". I voiced out truthfully knowing that she will press on until I tell her what the problem is.

"I'm going with you," Annie declared firmly, leaving no room for argument. I wanted to protest, but her determined expression made it clear that her decision was final.

"Let me inform James and the others that we're leaving," she suggested before disappearing back into the house.

In that moment, I felt the sudden urge to visit the washroom. As I made my way there, a strange sensation crept over me, as if someone were following closely behind. I glanced back but saw no one. Shrugging off the odd feeling, I continued to the washroom and relieved myself. Upon exiting to wash my hands, I felt a strong, masculine arm wrap around my waist, sending a shiver down my spine. Before I could react, I felt soft kisses trailing along my neck. Startled, I turned to find Cole, of all people, attempting to kiss me.

"What the hell are you trying to do?!" I exclaimed, my voice trembling with shock and anger.

"Can't you see that I want you? I've always wanted you, you whore. I even had to be your boyfriend and endure your countless rejections just to end up between your legs," he spat out bitterly, his words dripping with venom.

He attempted to kiss me again, his grip on my hands growing tighter. I struggled against him, but he overpowered me. In a desperate attempt to defend myself, I tried once more, only to feel a searing pain as his hand connected with my left cheek, leaving a stinging sensation. He tried pushing more into me. He was drunk yet he was still strong and bent on hurting me. I was shaking with fear and instantly regretted my choice of outfit to the party.

"You pig, get away from her!" Annie's voice cut through the air, filled with righteous anger.

With a forceful shove, she pushed Cole away from me, almost causing him to hit his head on the sink. We quickly exited, running in the direction of the entrance. Fear was running through my veins at the thought of losing my virginity to that loser. I couldn't help the tears that were running along my face. I was very thankful the makeup was water proof, so it did not ruin my face.

Author's note.
So another update. I think that's good. Hope you enjoy it. Pls send your suggestions, like comment share and follow me. You wont regret it.

Love you all😗😘😘😘😙😍

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