Chapter 21

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Emma reappeared at the docks and sat on the bench where she and Regina had, had many serious talks in the past. As soon as she landed on the bench, the tears dripped from her eyes, and she let out strangled sobs.

The memories were fake, clearly... because Regina hadn't gotten them, but these feelings, these new raw and untamed feelings of love, and longing... they were real now, whether the memories that caused them were real or not.

She sat there, with her eyes focused on the ocean and the rippling waves. She rose her tear-filled eyes to the sky, where the sun was setting oblivion ablaze with colors; fiery orange, searing red, and hot yellow, and yet the outer edges of the blazing sky had begun to cool with the indigo of night. She heard the birds sing their songs, she smelled the scent of the saltwater, she felt the caress of the chilly night breeze, and she still couldn't feel at peace.

Every time she came to that spot, she was instantly calmed, but this time it was different, this time she was confused; confused, angry, and heartbroken.

She was confused because she didn't understand why those vivid and imaginary 'memories' were now running through her brain. She was angry because she had been perfectly fine until they swept through her mind, clouded her heart, and made her fall in love with the woman who she had up until this point only seen as a friend. She was heartbroken because even though these feelings were random and new, they were also raw, intense, and real; yet, entirely unreciprocated.

All in all, Emma Swan was wholeheartedly devastated, so even as she sat there and watched the beautiful scenery, her heart ached and longed for a woman she hadn't loved until three hours ago; a woman that she could never have.

She sat there on that now-lonely bench and thought back at all the times she and Regina had saved each other. Remembering how their friendship sprouted, and then slowly blossomed into something so fruitful that she and Regina both were shocked because they had never dared imagine something so genuine forming between them.

Each genuine memory only strengthened the love for the older woman that the fictitious memories that had sprouted during her wedding had caused. She frowned as she questioned why she had never seen Regina this way until now, and then realized it was because Regina had never given any indication that there could ever be something between them. She had hated Emma's guts for the first year and a half. Then after saving Henry (twice), they had formed a partnership that eased into an uneasy friendship that was obliterated when Emma and Hook had brought back 'Marian.' Then they eased back into their friendship, and it grew stronger only from Emma to ruin it by turning herself into the Dark One to save Regina... But as soon as Emma returned human once again, their friendship hit new heights, and they were closer than ever. Through all of that, Regina had never once shown any sign whatsoever that she was interested in a romantic relationship with her, so of course, she hadn't thought of Regina that way.

Of course, she had always thought Regina was a gorgeous woman that would potentially be good in bed. And during the Neverland fiasco, she had realized that Regina was a fantastic friend, and the savior thought that she wouldn't be reluctant to pursue more than friendship with Regina, but as soon as they returned from Neverland everything went back to normal between them. So, Emma conceded to her mother's requests and began courting Hook.

Hook; her supposed happy ending. The man she was deemed to marry. The man she recently passed out in the middle of marrying. The blonde sighed and shook her head as she stared at the ring she had taken off and offered back to the pirate, only for him to refuse to accept it back and had told her -and she quoted- "Love, get your head out of the toilet. You will realize you still love me once this headache of yours, clears. We're true loves."

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