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"Ah, you found it."

A startled cry escaped Taehyung's mouth the second those words broke the deafening silence of the chambers. He looked up and stared back at a pair of icy white eyes. Was it meant to be this easy to talk to the alleged sword owner?

"I know what you're thinking. And you're right, it really shouldn't be this easy to find me. But that's not the case...because I found you" He laughed, his fingers coming to wrap around the rusty bars.

"I-I... I was told that you have answers." Taehyung spoke up, not daring to walk any closer toward the cell as the male's blinking white eyes were already unsettling enough.

"Answers? Yes...yes I have plenty of answers..." he mused in a sultry tone "It's why they kept me locked up...you see. Not only am I the one who can bite off an angel's wings... i've got the eyes of the Gods." He cooed, Taehyung believed him almost immediately, seeing as how manipulative those flashing eyes were. Without a face, with a voice, with a character.

"I need you to help me, please." Taehyung enforced, putting the sword on the floor to stop his hand from burning, that was when he saw the man's eyes divert to the object before looking back up.

"Oh? It's been awhile since anyone needed my help. But I guess you did retrieve my sword after all. How did you manage that, hm? That hag Jaeyong couldn't have made it easy for you." Taehyung gulped,

"Actually— she gave it to me."

An awkward silence ensued and Taehyung felt sweat roll down his forehead, standing before the male's icy eyes made him feel like there was a fire beneath him.

"She surprises me more everyday.." The man muttered to himself "Anywho, if you want answers. I need to ask first."

Taehyung nodded silently, sitting down before the cell as the male instructed. He felt like time was ticking and that a bomb was ready to go off as the man took his time.

And so, questions followed.

"Why are you here?" To save my friend
"Who is your friend?" Park Jimin, he used to be human until he died of a car cra- Disease.
"Has he been Transferred?" No, he fell into the Garden of Eden

"Bingo." He pinged his fingernails against the metal and Taehyung jumped, anticipating whatever intel he could get. Leaving Jimin to suddenly bleed began to itch.

"Once every Light Year, a human will fall into the Garden of Eden. However, one ordinary human could not have been picked. That human needs a strong tether with the Heavens, or maybe even from something beyond Heaven. A human that truly believes in a 'forever' no matter where they are. However, a human who falls into the Garden of Eden does not stay human. Fate slowly turns them into what we call Archangels."

Taehyung blinked, he had never read or heard a single word on the subject of Archangels other than the fact that during The Fall, Archangels fought Angels of the Higher Ring.

"You're right. They created havoc, it was bedlam. Archangels were so powerful and strong that not even God's light could fix what it has created. That was when The Fall commensed, I, amongst my other friends were sent to kill the Archangels. With that very sword." His arm came through the bars and pointed to the sword that had begun to pulse.

"It was a bloody battle. And so, The Garden of Eden became forbidden once the Higher Ring angels realised what was happening. Nobody wants an Archangel alive, nobody wants to relive the days where with one click of a finger and they'd disentegrate. Archangels were feared brutes even among those Angels who spoke magic. Archangels were the demons of Heaven."

Jimin. His only friend, maybe his last friend. Was an Archangel? Something so feared that any aspect of its existence is to be forbidden.

"The Sacrifice was then established by those who were desperate to keep this so called corrupt peace. Every light year, a birthed Archangel is sacrificed over God's Altar once the transformation from Human to Celestial has taken place. By now, the mutation in your friend's heart had passed its peak. You have created an Archangel, faster than a Light Year ever could."

Taehyung went cold, his wings were pulling him back desperately, as if to surface him from the darkness of the chambers. It began pulling so hard that feathers were ripping. But Taehyung refused to move an inch. He needed more, unable to turn away from the white eyes that held history.

"Angels have all kinds of ways to deceive another. They can put images and thoughts and words in your brain, and you'd never know they were fake." The male chuckled darkly, his face coming into the light of a lit brazier. Taehyung was shocked by how young the man looked, his white eyes now replaced with the warmth of chocolate brown.

"They're going to kill him, Taehyung. They are going to slaughter your little friend over God's Altar, they are going to rule over both realms of Heaven and Hell. Don't let this be your fault, it was never the Royal Angels that wanted to kill Archangels, it was us. Angels of the Lower Ring. Because once the Royal Angels spill the blood of an Archangel, they'll hold the power of the universe. We don't fear them, we just don't want them. If you don't kill him, then they'll kill us all."

Before Taehyung could open his mouth to speak, two pairs of arms grabbed him from behind and muffled his screams. He thrashed against them violently, he managed to kick the sword into the man's cell, hoping he'd help but his glowing eyes faded away inevitably with an ominous laugh.

Taehyung cursed to himself as the guards pressed Silver to his wings and pushed him up the stairs. He had to get to Jimin...

That's if they hadn't gotten to him first.

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