We have ourselves a dare!

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Den: Hey guys! I'm here by myself right now, not sure what happened to Kat and Sisi-Sama.

*Book teleportation module beeps and Sisi-Sama and Kat come out of it*

Sisi-Sama: Oh, hey Den.

Kat: Hey.

Den: What happened?

Sisi-Sama: The Pals surprised us in this book, then took Kat with them to theirs.

*Kat nods*

Den: Well then.

Kat: But besides that, we have a dare!

Sisi-Sama and Den: YES!

Kat: One moment.... *snaps fingers and JessleLuna9 appears.*

*Kat runs back into the book teleportation module*

Sisi-Sama: Oh come on! I just saved her from there! What's the dare anyways?

JessleLuna: The dare was from myself, and I dared me to magically appear in the book, and kiss Sketch. Then we date.

Den: So that's why-

*gets cut off by the beep, and then Kat drags Sketch in*

Kat: Got him!

Sketch: What the crap was that for?!

JessleLuna: Hey Sketch. *waves*

Sketch: Oh....hey. *blushes very hard*

JessleLuna: Sketch, I like you.

Sketch: WAHOO! *jumps very high*

*runs up to JessleLuna and kisses her right on the lips*

JessleLuna: O_O Wowza. That's what I've been waiting for!

Den: *whispers to Sisi-Sama and Kat* Dare complete.

Sisi-Sama: Nope not-

Sketch: JessleLuna, will you be my girlfriend?

*JessleLuna nods, blushing*

Kat: *whispers to Sisi-Sama* You were saying?

Sisi-Sama: Nevermind.

*Sketch and JessleLuna go back to the Pals dare book*

Den: We'll everybody, keep sending in those wonderful dares and don't be afraid to ask us a truth! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2017 ⏰

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