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Well this autta be fun
Oh shoosh you we have made excellent progress
She's right
I have a boyfriend who I adore
We know what we are
My friends are doing more things
We know what we are
I'm getting out more
We know... you know what
We know what we are
Wait ranna did you take my mind for a second
We are a mild case of MPd i am a separate personality state
I guess we could say that
Heh great now that we have that out the way let's go over all the things you have symptoms of
Multi personality disorder
Species dysphoria
Ok so I have a lot of problems
Your head hurts constantly
You have bad teeth
Ok ok I get it but hey the first step to recovery is realizing the problem
... Kate honey .. most of these are chronic
... ok so the first step to dealing with something is realizing it's there

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