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Your POV

I had been friends with Caspar since I could remember and I was currently staying at his flat in London while I visit from South Africa.

I was just scrolling through my Instagram feed when I came across a picture of Caspar's friend, Joe. I guess I must have lingered too long before scrolling past because the next thing I know Caspar begins teasing me about him. "Ooo does my little y/n have a crush?" he said, his voice picking up slightly at the end. "What no way, Casp he's like your best friend that'd just be weird," I replied in defence. Honestly, I had always kinda liked Joe but I sure as hell was not going to admit that to Caspar. "No, it wouldn't. I totally ship it! Y/s/n! (your ship name)" he went on like that for ages, singing stupid rhymes about Joe and I. I tried my best to ignore him, hoping he'd eventually give up. "Y/n and Joe sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes-"           "Alright! Alright! I get it!" I finally said in annoyance. "So what if I do like Joe, he's certainly not going to like me back. I've only met him like twice," Caspar gave me a cheeky smile before saying "How about I invite him over now and you guys can have a little talk?" He smirked with delight as he saw my face go from neutral to shock in a matter of seconds. "Caspar Lee I swear to god--" but before I could finish he was already calling Joe and began walking away from me. "Well shit." I mumbled as he left the room.

About 20 minutes later there was a knock at the door and my stomach erupted with butterflies. Caspar gave me a cheesy grin before going to answer the door. I could hear him greeting his friend as I tried to calm myself. "Just breathe y/n it's not a big deal" I repeated to myself in my head, eyes closed. I'm interrupted when I hear people walk into the room. "Hey, y/n." my breathing stopped as I saw Joe standing in front of me. "H-hi Joe, good to see you again." I hate that I stutter when I'm nervous. Caspar sits down a little bit away from me on the sofa leaving the only available space for Joe next to me. I glare at Caspar as Joe sits down next to me; is he closer than he has to be? I quickly glance at my crush only to notice his leg pressed against mine. "Ok, maybe he just hasn't noticed?" I thought to myself. "There is no way Joe Sugg would like me. Is there?" Millions of thoughts and doubts whirled in my mind, only to be disrupted by Caspar suddenly deciding that he had to go get something from the shops. I could sense his lie immediately after he said it, giving him a look of desperation and anger as he casually walked out of his apartment. 

Great now I'm alone. With Joe. My crush. My thoughts slowed as I took in the appearance of the boy next to me. He really was my ideal guy: funny, good-looking and a genuinely good guy; qualities you don't often find in the South African fuckboys I'm used to. Again I was snapped back to reality when Joe turned to face me, my face going an unattractive shade of red after realising I had been staring at him for god knows how long. "Y/n?" he spoke gently as if debating whether or not he wanted me to hear him. I looked up at him and mumbled a quick "yes?". Now it was his turn to be embarrassed as he began fidgeting and scratching the back of his neck, his eyes never meeting mine. "Caspar told me something, and I don't think it's true. I mean, I hope it's true but I'm worried he's pranking me or something." He said barely above a whisper. " What did he tell you? And as far as I'm aware there aren't any cameras set up." I replied, giggling at the end and looking into Joe's eyes intently. "He said you--" He whispered so quietly that I couldn't make out the end of his sentence. "What Joe, I can't hear you." I had a feeling that I knew what he was going to say causing my heart rate to quicken. "Fuck it," I heard him mumble under his breath. He looked up and met my eyes, my heart literally leaping out of my chest at this point. "Caspar told me that you liked me, and if this is a prank then its seriously fucked up because I like you y/n, and Caspar knows that." he said, quickly racing through the part where he said 'I like you y/n'. I was in shock. I couldn't move. My eyes never leaving Joe's face. His words repeating in my head like a broken record, 'I like you y/n'. "This must be a dream." I thought to myself, then suddenly a worried Joe began rambling about how Caspar is an idiot and that it was a prank, blah, blah, blah. But I didn't really listen to what he was saying, I was just watching his facial expressions, looking from his eyes to his lips to his eyes again. "Joe Sugg just said he liked me back. What on earth is happening?!" I guess I wasn't thinking straight because the next thing I know I'm leaning in to Joe and our lips connect.

"S-so it wasn't a prank?" a blushing Joe sheepishly asked. "No." I replied a huge smile on my face. Joe looked at me with that classic Sugg smirk and leaned in and began kissing me passionately. Just at that moment, I hear the door unlock to reveal a beaming Caspar. 

"My work here is done." he simply stated as he left the room, a huge grin plastered on his face. Joe and I looked at each other and laughed and spent the rest of the day cuddling and just talking. This is a day I will never forget.


Yaay! That was my first imagine, quite a long one at that, I think it was like 1020 words or something lol. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

Leave a comment if you have any requests or any tips on how to make my writing better lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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