Chapter 1- Matilda's Tale

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     "Gather around children" The town's nutbag Matilda shouted  "Listen and listen well as I tell you a tale that should not be heard. Our tale for the day is one of fire." As she began her tale all the children tuned in and sat at attention ready to be amused by yet another fable from Matilda. Everyone knew that she only told these stories to get attention and indeed she did.
      But there were these two boys the town troble finders John and Damico. These two boys were very adventurous and curious and believed that Matilda's stories was more than just stories and searched for the truth in every story she told.
     Matilda continue "legend speeks of our ancient protectors who light up the night and made the darkness to scower in fear. They were magnificent  all different colours and their bodies covered in scales and spikes, there eyes lite with the fire of their soul, and wings large and magestic they kept the deamones at baye with their terifing growl and firey breath . Alast there was a king posest by Evil who believe the Dragons were not needed and so he had all of the Dragons locked away hidden from the world and all who tried to have them released were killed, but the dragons are not lost for they sit and wait for the one whom beli... "
     "Matilda that is it." Delihla the groch screeched as she interrupted  Matilda's tale."There ain't  no such things as Dragons or demons or what ever it is your babbling on about today."
     "Yes there is, you just don't believe."
      "How could anyone belive in you you belive that tiny people, giants and lepricons with pots of gold at the end of the rainbow exist. Your stories are desroying our children's future leading them to believe in dragons and other stupit shit stop it."
      "The darkness shall return if you do not believe. Heed my warning or you all are doomed for darkness is comming. "
      As Delihla pushed the children to go home John and Damico creped up to Matilda whispering " are dragons really real"
     " Yes they are but you have to belive, for the Legend states that : he who wishes to find that which should  not be seen must find the golden Eagle under a cloudless rain in the forgotten forest of showers on top of the hill of unreachable towers. But be wear for king Henry and his men still reside here to ensure that no one is to realise the Dragons because it would lead to the end of his kingdom."
     John and Damico ran off in curiosity ready to explore the Legend told by Matilda. But little did they know it would not be easy and they will face many dangers along the way and discover a lot of untold secrets of their not so quaint town.

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