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We take what we have for granted and don't  cherish what we have till it's gone
But once it's gone its gone
You can't tell them or it you love them till it's to late
They don't last forever so tell them you love them while you can
Because that joy you get from them may one day start to fade
One day they are there but the next their gone and disappear right out of your grasp
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Hey sorry I haven't updated I've just been a little busy
This one I honored to my grandma's 2 year old dog I'm vary close to the dogs in the family and her dog was suffering from cancer and was put to sleep the other day so I'm still sad about it im just at school right now so sorry that is a short chapter but like I said. The next day the thing you love may be gone so tell them you love them while you can

Made 12-21-17 made on this day


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