Third Song

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Everyone was nervous about the debut. Especially since the haven't been given the song yet.

Sophia took off her glasses momentarily. "I'm a blind ass Asian anyway." She stated aloud.

"Sophia, you wanna come help me make lunch?" Miah asked.

They were dieting. Well, at least, they were trying.

Miah already didn't eat breakfast, and Sophia was good at keeping up with her work out schedule.

But, when lunch came around, they didn't exactly have a "healthy" meal.

Karina hadn't had the chance to cook anything, and she never spoke up about it, either.

"Oh, Kari, is there anything specific you wanted?" Miah asked.

Karina shook her head.

"Alright, I'll just make you some milk."

Karina laughed. "Yes, all my meals are just milk."

They ended up eating some teriyaki chicken with rice on the side. It was simple, yet tasty.

"Hello girls." Lina smiled, seeming to suddenly appear in their dining room.

The three of them spun around in surprise.

"Did I scare you?

"Where are you even coming from?" Miah gasped.

"Nevermind that," Lina dodged the question. "I have some information for you all."

Now she had their full attention.

"For starters, the leader of the group has been decided. Starting today, Sophia Dungca will be the leader of A-E-I. Also, Sophia, we're going to have you wear contacts from now on."

"Oh...ok." was her response.

"Also, we have the music and lyrics for your debut song." Lina told them happily. "I want you to get the song down before we start the choreography. This will be a busy time. We also have to tailor outifts, which means measurements. I'll tell you the date of that later."

Lina handed Sophia a few papers that were stapled together. "I want you to read that together sometime soon." She turned around, preparing to leave. "Hopefully this goes well. Goodbye."

Sophia, Miah, and Karina were left in awe.

"What does it say?!" Miah nearly shouted.

"Hold on, let's out our dishes away first." Sophia insisted.


"So this first one is the CD for the music. These next pages are the lyrics along with music sheets." Sophia announced, going through the packet. "And this is the...guidelines?"

"Guidelines?" Karina questioned.

"Apparently so..." Sophia trailed off. She had put her glasses back on and began to read. "So this is just saying that we have to practice frequently. We can't forget our songs...try to stay in a good weight range...ugh..."

"Aish." Karina whispered.

"Let's go listen to the song." Miah said, getting up from her seat.

Karina and Sophia nodded.


"I can't wait to sing this." Karina smiled.

"Me neither." Miah added. "I wanna learn that dance now!"

"This is gonna be fun." Sophia concluded.

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