Rejection Hurts

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*Mari's POV*

"OK,  I'm gonna do it.  I'm gonna tell Adrien my feelings for him. " I say to my best friend Alya. I knew I could tell Alya,  she is soo supportive. "You can do it girl!  Just,  one thing. " she says furrowing her eyebrows.  "What's that?  W-will he not li-like me back? " I say panicking.  "NO!  Not that,  it's just.  Try to NOT studder." She says,  emphasizing the word 'not'.  I shake my head then walk up to Adrien.  "A-a-adrien?  C-can you talk to I?  I-i mean c-can I t-talk to you? " I ask,  knowing I studdered,  really bad.  "Um,  sure Marinette! " he says with his bright modle smile. 'That smile is gonna be the death of me' I think to myself.  "So,  what did you need to say? " O my gosh,  I'm scared I can't do it!  I thought I said it in my head,  but then I hear "why would you be scared? " ugghh.  "S-so,  U-umm.  I-i just wanted to te-tell you that,  umm.  I-I may have a s-small c-crush on you. S-so. D-do you m-maybe wanna g-go on a d-date"  What he says next breaks my heart,   "I-im really sorry, but I can't accept" I see his face get red and then tears fill my eyes,  but I won't let him see me cry.  "I-I ok. I-i knew y-you didn't like me.  I just th-thought I sh-should tell you though.  B-bye A-adrien. " I say as I run off. Letting the tears run down my face. I hear Alya,  Adrien,  and Nino caling my name,  but I keep running.  I make it to my room ignoring my mom and dad's worried calls.  I slam the trap door and flop on my bed,  crying at the rejection.
  I cry my eyes out then fall asleep.  I wake up to hear a buzzing sound,  I look down to see my phone ringing.  ALYA! 
    (Alya Mari)

Hey Mari,  a-are you okay?

'Im NOT okay! '

Y-yea.  I-im fine.  Just needed to get some sleep. Yeah..  That's it.  I needed sleep

Mari,  look.  Just forget about Adrien things will get better soon. I promise, OK! 

' I can't! '

U-umm I'm already getting over him. Yup.  Done thinking about him!

You know what? Let's have a sleepover at my place,  OK.  It will be so much fun.  Just you me,  and the boys.  (She mumbles the last part so she can't hear)

O-ok.  Be there in 10

  I tell my mom and dad that I'm going to Alya's house and they approve.  I get a bag ready and head out the door.  But one thing stays in my head 'Who does Adrien like? '

*Adrien's POV*

"NINOOO!  Where are we going? " I say picking at the blindfold that's on my head. Nino and I were having a MANLY SLEEPOVER!  Yes,  men can have sleepovers too! He blindfolds me and started to guide me somewhere.  "Don't pick at the blindfold!  We will be there in a minute,  just chill!. " Nino says but something didn't feel right..  "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME! I KNOW KARATE!  I WILL DESTROY YOU! " I say swinging my hands around. "No dude. J-just chill.  We're about to walk in. "
   Nino starts guiding my up some steps and through a door.  That's when I hear Alya's voice,  and some other girls voice.  "Alya!  Why am I blindfolded? " the girl sounds so familiar!  But I just can't but my fingers on it.  "Hush!  They are here! " wait, was Alya expecting us?  "Umm,  Alya,  who is 'they? '" the girl says,  I know I have heard her voice from somewhere. "Now Mari,  take the blindfold off and you can see. " Mari.  Wait MARINETTE?!  NO!  "N-nino!  L-l-lets g-go home now.  T-this isn't a good idea.. " I try to convince him, but it was too late.  I felt somebody push by me and Alya starts screaming "MARI!  COME BACK! "  really.  I guess I did hurt her when I rejected her,  but I wanted to ask her on the date,  not her asking me!  Now I feel really bad. I really did like her,  and I still do.  I was so happy when she asked me on the date.  But,  I wanted to ask her.  " N-nino,  l-lets just leave.  " I say,  knowing you could hear the pain in my voice.  "Y-yea. Let's just go see if Alya got Mari. "

*Mari POV*

   I started to let my tears fall once I got to some alley way thing.  I sat in the corner of one alley and cried even harder.  I heard Alya's screams getting louder so I got out of the corner I was in and started to run.  "Marinette!  Come back.  Why are you running away? " I finally stopped dead in my tracks and saw the look on Alya's face.  There was so much pain in her eyes.  I guess she saw how red and puffy my eyes were because she tackled me in a big hug.  "A-alya!  I-i-it h-hurts." I say while crying into her jacket.  "Oh,  Mari just forget about him. I know things will get better." She says as she squeezed me tighter. "W-Well. I-im gonna go h-home.  I-ill see y-you at school Monday " then I walk off to my house.

*At Mari's House*

I walk in the door to find a note on the counter. 
*Mari,  we had to leave to go to China for 6 Months. The bakery will be closed, but if you need anything call us.. 
P. S there is money for you laying on your bed just in case you need to buy anything
  -Mama and Papa.

"YAY!  More loneliness! " I thought. I walk up to my room to put the money up and charge my phone.
  After a few hours of my phone being in charge I get a ton of messages. "Chloe?  Why is she messaging me? " I go to my messages just to get my heart broken. 
    "Ha!  You got rejected!  You should have known that MY Adrikens would NEVER in a million years accept a date  from you!  We all knew you would ask,  and I knew he would reject.  You are a fat,  ugly,  worthless piece of garbage that nobody would care for!  Well,  bye.  I have to get back to my date with Adrien! "

Tears fill my eyes.  Chloes right.  I run to my bathroom and grab my razor.  I star at it and press it against my skin.  I start to cry as the red blood falls.  I make a cut for everything

Chloe's bullying
I'm fat
I'm ugly
I'm worthless

Soon the blood covers my arms.  I clean the blood up then get in the shower.  I hold my arm under the water letting it sting. I grab the soap and rub it over the fresh cuts.  I cry even more because of the burning.  But,  all I cause is pain in everybody else's life,  so why not cause pain in my own. 
  After the shower I put on a long sleeve shirt and some shorts then fall asleep.

So!  That was the first chapter!  I really hope you guys enjoyed.  It may have been really bad,  but I am sick so I just tried to make it as good as possible!  I really hope you enjoyed! 💞
1260 words!

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