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mynameajeff: hey, cutie

seheart: now what do you want?

mynameajeff: you, bby boy ;)

seheart: well too bad, because you're not getting me

mynameajeff: one day i will

seheart: sure, okay

mynameajeff: so how r u doing on this lovely evening

seheart: i was fine before you showed up

mynameajeff: awe, sorry to here that

seheart: *hear

mynameajeff: whatevs

mynameajeff: really tho hru

seheart: fine, i guess, how about you?

seheart: not that i care though

mynameajeff: sure u dont

mynameajeff: n im fine, thx 4 asking

mynameajeff: what r u doing rn?

seheart: just trying to keep this crazy bitch away from my candy

seheart: god damn maleficent beings

mynameajeff: a girl?

mynameajeff: is she ur gf? is she pretty?

mynameajeff: r'nt u gay? i mean, you post gay shit all the time

seheart: 1, no, a boy. 2, no we're just friends. 3, he's probably one of the hottest things on earth. and fourth, don't assume my sexuality you prick, i'm bisexual for your information

mynameajeff: oh, srry. i just got jelly 4 sum resin

seheart: would it kill you to fucking spell properly and use correct grammar?

seheart: we just started texting yesterday, how could you even be remotely jealous?

mynameajeff: chill out, bby, srry 4 asking

mynameajeff: n im playing the xbox while talking to you

seheart: didn't ask

mynameajeff: ik, just thot u wanted 2 no

seheart: oh my god, i just went blind reading that message

seheart: you need to go back to first grade, tell your teacher they fucked up badly with you

mynameajeff: y u gotta b so r00d?

mynameajeff: wat did i ever do 2 u?

mynameajeff: isn't that a song?

mynameajeff: ooh, I just realsed dat rimed

seheart: oh my god, please stop

seheart: and you existing is what you did to me

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