NXT - Week 1

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(AUGUST 1ST, 2017)

        So, today's the big day. The day I make my starting debut on NXT. NXT is described as the "developmental stage" of the World Wrestling Entertainment industry (or the WWE), but it's still a big upgrade for me. I made a name for myself in the wrestling business by doing some small venues in Toledo when I was eighteen. Then I moved to Japan where I started doing some larger shows ; I was even Junior Japanese Wrestling Federation (JJWF) Light Heavyweight Champion for about three and a half months. And then I did a couple TNA matches and attended some pay-per-views, like Starrcade and Lockdown. Of course I lost considering how I had no steel cage knowledge until then. But not that I'm on the NXT roster, I'll have a chance of showing how tough I can really be at their most gruesome pay-per-view... The NXT War Games.
    The concept of the War Games is that there are three teams of three in a 9-Man triple threat match, taking place in two rings inside of a cage. They haven't had the thing since the late 90s considering how it was "too dangerous for live television", and they sure were right. This November was the first War Games pay-per-view in twenty years, and boy... was it violent. But that's not until later into my NXT career ; let's get back to my debut.

So, the layout of how my debut was going to go was given to me : The Revival was going to come out and cut a promo, stating that they were holding an open challenge for their NXT tag team championships. And then I was gonna come out ; just me. No teammate, nobody else that was debuting. Just me. Then I'd cut somewhat of a promo saying some heel stuff to Dash and Scott. And as soon as they got out of the ring and started running at me...


    That's when Bobby Roode's music would hit.

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