the arrival

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" y/n wake the fuck up." Uta said banging on your door. "One sec let me get dressed." "dress in somthing nice and no heels." I responded with a "why where are we going." it's a surprise and Toka and Kaneki are coming so dont get any ideas." You were in a rush and you acedently said "cant promise." Uta starts to laff and your blushing "oopppsss sorry Uta I dont know where that came from." you were dressed and grabed your phone on the way out. When you walked out of the door, Utas mouth droped "what is there somthing on my face or dress." you said "No it's just you look beautiful." you started to blush and tryed hidding your face. "y/n I see you blushing. " you looked over and saw him blushing to. You smiled.
        ~time laps~
We arived at Tokas place. "Hey Toka" you and uta said at the same time. You both blushed "hi lets go" you were wondering where we're going. We arived at a club "what the hell. Wait I thought Kaneki was coming where is he?" Toka responded with, "hes already hear" we walked in and there was drinks and dancing you haven't been to a club before but you kinda liked it.  

(Sorry the chapter is long ill try to make the next chapter tomorrow)

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