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All of the students walked into class nervously on this wonderful Thursday evening. Their teacher, Mrs. Bustier, said she had an announcement to make to the class. They all sat down in their assigned seats, Marinette and Alya sat behind Nino and Adrien just like always.

The teacher walked to the front of the classroom and said, "Class, quiet down! I need to tell you what is going on with the class. As of next Monday, we will be taking a field trip. This is not just any field trip, but a field trip to another country!" The room buzzed with excitement, each table group discussing their thoughts on where they would be going for the trip.

"We will be going to Greece! More specifically, we will be going to a little offshore island called Samos, I will write it on the board in Greek." The students watched as the chalk glided swiftly over the blackboard, writing out the word Σαμος. "Here are the permission slips. Get them in by tomorrow if you would like to go." She walked around the room, passing out the sheets of paper.

"You will each be paired with a buddy for the trip, assuming you will all make it. Alya with Nino, Chloe with Kim, Sabrina with Max, Juleka with Nathanael, Rose with Alix, Mylene and Ivan, and last but not least, Marinette and Adrien. We will fly to Athens, stay there for two nights, and then catch another flight to Samos. We will then spend 2 weeks there. Have a good rest of your day!" She released the students from class, each one ecstatic about the journey to Greece.

"Girl! I can't believe we are going to Greece! We're going to have so much fun! You even get to be with Adrien the whole trip!! How much better could this get?!" Alya exclaimed. "Um... You and Nino start dating and Nilya will happen?" Marinette laughed as the boys walked over.

"Hey dudettes!" Nino said with a grin. Adrien tipped his head in agreement to Nino's statement. "H-hey A-adrien!" Marinette stuttered. Alya looked at her and smirked. "So, Nino. I guess we'll be spending the trip together." Alya remarked. "I guess we will. Adrienette will surely be happening here..." Nino replied, whispering the last part just so Alya could hear it. They laughed. Adrien and Marinette looked at each other nervously, blushes growing on their faces.


Today was the field trip. The class stood with their partners in the classroom. They all looked around and Kim said, "Hey. Where's Chloe?" As if being summoned, Chloe Bougouis walked into the classroom followed by 17 big cases and 2 backpacks.

They all clambered onto the bus to go to the airport, and in about half an hour, they arrived. They checked in, went through security, and then grabbed a bite to eat.

"So, Mari, where would you like to eat?" Adrien asked.

"Oh! Uh- um, I d- don't r- really have a preference." She replied nervously. She thought of Tikki. "Maybe a b- bakery?"

"A bakery sounds great! I heard there was one by gate 19." Adrien stated.

They started to walk to the bakery when Nino and Alya ran to catch up with them and asked, "Where are you two going?"

"Me and Marinette were just making our way to that bakery. Would you like to join us?" Adrien said politely.

They both nodded their heads eagerly and walked slightly behind Marinette and Adrien.

When they arrived, they each got a cup of coffee, with the exception of Marinette; she got sweet tea. They all ordered and their food came very quickly. They all ate, and then over the intercom they heard, "Gate 27 is now boarding. I repeat: gate 27 is now boarding."

Try rushed over to the gate and got onto their flight. Ms. Bustier instructed them to all sit with their partner, so Marinette and Adrien sat together right in front of Alya and Nino.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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