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It wasn't as if I always went here.

Of course not.

The strong smell was too much for me, but as this point who even cared. Everyone danced around me without a worry, moving their body in front of complete strangers, so why can't I?

I was alone again, and what better way to try and get rid of everything by drowning yourself in the prudent scent of liquor.

It's a way to stop thinking of things for while. Is what my roommate said before I headed out for the night.

It only took a shot. Just one, and then another, and another. I felt my surroundings spin around me as I grabbed a small chair, spilling my ninth drink on the bartender before accidentally bumping into the girl next to me. The girl, at least what I thought looked like a girl was staring down at me. She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at her stained pants, and began to curse at me. I would've apologized if hadn't been for the strong influence of alcohol. Though I didn't really care anyways.

I laughed like it didn't matter that she was out of my grasp. It felt like things were getting better. Sure, there were the occasional two second dazes, but I was fine. I felt happy like this, or better said, I felt satisfied.

After all, it wasn't as if I came here all the time, right? More so, I felt I should come here more often. I'm 25, have a stable job,  and I should loosen up anyways.

So what better way than this.

Lol I decided to post for no reason. I remember this not being done but whatever it looks complete.

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