Beggin' On Your Knees (Cheating!Dark Pit x Reader)

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Pairings: Cheating!Dark Pit x Reader - Pit x Reader

You had it all the day you told me (told me) you want me

I had it all but let you fool me (fool me) completely

Yeah I was so stupid to give you all my attention

'Cause the way you played me exposed your true intentions

(Y/N) watched, heartbroken, as her boyfriend was locking lips with another girl. A human girl at that. Dark Pit had a human girl pinned to a wall, in a heated kiss. Sadness and anger bubbled up within her and she turned heel and ran, going to the only person who has ever been able to cheer her up. Pit.

She ran into the little angel's room, crystalline tears running down her face. Needless to say, Pit wasn't expecting his best friend, and secret crush, to be running into his arms, crying. Pit's blue eyes widened as she fell into his chest, nuzzling into his neck, her hands holding onto his white chiton tightly.

Pit wrapped his arms around (Y/N), his heart breaking when he heard her muffled sniffles. "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" His voice was soft, tender, as he lifted her head up to look into her watery eyes. The sight made his heart shatter.

"D-Dark Pit. H-He..." She whimpered and was unable to finish her sentence as a lump grew in her throat. Pit clenched his teeth. He knew what she was trying to tell him. His carbon copy was a dirty little cheat. His soft cerulean gaze hardened into a frigid icy blue glare at what Pittoo had done. Pit's hands clenched into fists and he felt his vision go red as he was overcome with anger. Dark Pit had gone too far this time.

Feeling his crush nuzzle into his chest made his heart skip a beat and he looked down to the (e/c)  eyed beauty in his lap. With a wistful sigh, Pit encased (Y/N) in his arms and rested his chin atop her head of fluffy (h/c) hair.

An idea came to his head and he grinned, pulling away from the angel to look into her eyes. She looked up at him questioningly until he leaned down and whispered into her ear. Her colored orbs widened and a small smile crawled onto her face. She looked into Pit's eyes and nodded, a cute smile on her face as her tears slowed down.

And one day I'll have you beggin' on your knees for me

Yeah one day I'll have you crawlin' like a centipede

You mess with me and mess with her

So I'll make sure you get what you deserve

Yeah one day you'll be beggin' on your knees for me

(Y/N) took in a deep breath and turned around to see the girl Dark Pit had just previously been with. Steeling her courage, the angel walked up to the human and tapped on her shoulder, mustering up a small smile when the mortal turned to face her. She looked absolutely stunned to see the angel there, making the smile on (Y/N)'s face turn into a sad one.

The little angel leaned in to whisper to the girl. She explained the situation. What Dark Pit had done to the both of them. When the angel pulled away, she felt tears brimming her eyes and her heart ached. The girl didn't look any better. Her hazel eyes were filled with tears and she lifted a hand up to cover her mouth as she let out choked sobs. "Get back at him." The mortal whispered before turning tail and running to what (Y/N) assumed was her house.

So watch your back 'cause you don't know when or where I can get you

I've set the trap and when I'm done then you'll know what I've been through

So oh, Mister Player, do you feel like the man now?

And I bet you're nervous 'cause this song makes you freak out

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