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Spacious chamber decorated with jade ornaments and gold handcraft. Beautiful peonies placed on every corner to give freshness to the room. Wood reliefs carved to the ceiling. Sure a palace for the Mother of the Country.

A beautiful lady in gold gown sit elegantly on her bed.

"Lets go" she said,

She walked gracefully out of her chamber. The sun shone brightly unlike the cold breeze. She looked up to the sky and inhaled the cold air. It's already fall, her tenth fall in the palace.

She walked to the hall, as usual. Morning assembly to talk about political problems. She was the only woman in the meeting, no pressure, she had been doing this for years.

The country political state was not stable. As the biggest kingdom in China, the great Zhang Dynasty has plenty enemies. And they decided to merge power against Zhang Dynasty.

However, the king didn't seem to be bothered. He was calm all the time only to give opinion when asked. The meeting was heated, good thing it was over.

The emperor is always cold towards the empress, or at least it was from three years ago. He doesn't talk to her outside from politics problems. The emperor gives her the cold shoulder. He never looks at her anymore, but he doesn't hate her. He just simply ignores her or acts like she's just some kind of minister with no romantic relationship. The empress doesn't know which one is worse.

The emperor and the empress walk side by side when they finished morning assembly,

"Your majesty, would you like to have a cup of tea with this empress?" The empress asks looking all sweet with her big eyes.

"This emperor is busy right now." He looks uninterested.

"It's okay, this empress will arrange her time for your majesty. What does your majesty thinks?" She said, still smiling.

"Empress, don't bother to do it." He said coldly, passing by her without even looking.

She knows why is he busy, she knows where he's heading to. But she wanted to try anyway.


She was born to be a Phoenix. Even before the day she saw the world. It was fate they said. A true beauty like immortals, she is the only human who could pair with the dragon.

She trained to be perfect. Singing, dancing, embroidery, music were only for her lover. Politics, physics, Palace manners, swordplay and calligraphy were her everyday. She was only 10, yet has mastered many things. People who envy her didn't know, but her people do. Her fate is to be the Phoenix, but as big as the title she will hold, she did sacrifice as much. If they know it, is there anyone still wants to be her?

"Lu Yu, lets arrange flowers now!"

"Okaaay!" She hopped with joy and followed her tutor.

"I like lotus, can we use it instead of this?" She removed peonies from the vase.

"No, Lu Yu, peonies are symbols of honour of nobility and compassion. You want a happy marriage right?"


"Lu Yu xiao jie*,  the empress is here." A servant announced quickly.

"A.. hao**"


"Lu Yu-a, you become prettier every time I visit."

Her small face blushed as the empress compliment her.

"What did you do from the morning?"

"I finished studying astronomy and calligraphy. When mother empress called, I just started my flower arrangements class."

The empress just smiled in approval, she did choose the right wife for her son.

"Hao! Sinced you worked hard from the morning, I have some presents for you." She gave her numerous box of jewels, silk and beautiful ornaments. "But don't open it just yet! Let's have lunch first."

"Thank youuu.. mother empress."

They then go to the Lu family eating hall.

"Mother empress, when did Zhang gege*** come back?"

"Are you missing him already?" The empress laughs.

"No, it's just boring without gege, I feel lonely."

"When he come back, you both are going to engaged."

"What is engaged, mother empress?"

"That's mean you can only think about him and love him forever."

"Love..."  the little girl smiled again.

"Do you promised me to do so?" The empress smiled warmly at her.
"And you both are going to be married when Zhang Long turn 12 next year."



Zhang Long is her best friend, she know him since forever. Truthfully, he is the only friend she had.

If she get married then she will live in the palace with him. That's mean she will have more time to play around! How fun!

* young miss
** okay/ good
*** older brother

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