She felt the sharp prick of needles as they were injected into her delicate, pale flesh. She felt her chest being pulled at by some invisible force, it pulled at her heart and she felt like whatever was doing this to her could see the depths of her soul, glimpsing at her entire being, finding out things about her that she was yet to discover about herself.

Thats enough for tonight. Too much dark magic can be fatal to a mundane like her. We will continue with this one tomorrow. Watch her closely, but be careful what information you disclose to others about her, there are spies among us, and I don't want to lose this one said a deep, tired voice.

This must be the man responsible for my kidnapping she thought to herself as her eyes strained in the darkness to find the owner of the voice.

What's so special about this one Boss, she seems the same as she did when we brought her here? questioned another male.

Oh no. She is far from the same, her wolf just hasn't surfaced yet said the first voice stated.

What the hell was going on? Wolf? As in an actual wolf that lived in a pack and hunted deer? Why was a wolf surfacing? Better yet, why did he say my wolf hadn't surfaced yet? she thought, her brain pounding in her temples.

You mean this one worked? asked yet a different voice, this one was female.

Yes. She worked. We just need to repeat this procedure two or three more times, then when she finds her mate and he marks her, her wolf will surface, and her powers will come to her. She will be the most powerful weapon anyone could possess and she will be entirely at our disposal the first voice laughed sinisterly.

What if it doesn't work? the female spoke again.

It will, if not we'll have no choice but to kill her, now take her to her cell, she'll come too soon said the voice of the leader.

Yes Sir said the female.

Strong arms gripped under her knees and behind her shoulders, carefully lifting her in a bridal style embrace.

They were walking down the cold corridor when she felt them turned into an even colder room.

Ill do the rest, leave us, and shut the door, just incase she comes to the woman spoke.

Yes Maam a masculine voice sounded in the chilled darkness, somewhere on her right.

There was a shuffling sound followed by the creaking of a heavy metal door swinging on its hinges.

I know you were awake through that young lady the same female voice stated in a soft voice.

Her eyes flew open and she leaped up from the ground only to be caught by two small arms around my waist.

Its okay, I'm not going to tell anyone, I'm going to help you. Like they said there are spies, they just don't suspect me. I'm going to have to ask you to hold on for a few more days, just until they finish the next two or three nights on you, can you do that? she asked the young woman softly.

She nodded her head, then realized the other woman couldn't see the gesture in this dark room.

Y-yes, I can do that She hoarsely whispered back.

Good. Hang in there for a few more days and then I will help get you out of here, I promise I'll save you, even if it kills me Serene the woman said as she turned and pushed the girl over to the wall where she was to be chained.

She readied myself for the tightness of the cuff, but it never came. Instead the cuff was just rubbing the skin of her chaffed wrist, for that she was thankful.

The unknown lady lent forward and placed a delicate kiss to the girls forehead.

Sleep now Serene, youre going to need your strength for the next couple of days, my dear the woman whispered as she turned to leave.

Serene was so confused. This person knew her name. Dark magic was being used on her. And last but not least, these experiments were turning her into a werewolf. How?

I'm A Werewolf, How?Where stories live. Discover now