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This video is by: Rusty.

.......I will go through this very fully.

•They are brothers
-It is very very disturbing, when incest happens in real life... imagine someone forcing you to do it with your sibling!?

-Please like Rusty said, "don't sexualize the cup" just no, just please.....How would you feel if someone called you gay or lesbian when your not!? I would feel pretty offended,and than it stuck to you and you died alone...okay that will not happen because you know what gay couples are cute so meh, but it's a game...does it say his sexuality!? No!

-please for once can we have a normal fandom...and people like this ruined the most greatest fandom, in my opinion...

-Have you noticed they are either young teens or kids!? THEY ARE CHILDREN OR TEENS! They live with elder kettle. If they aren't than THEY NEED TO GET A HOME! BUT I DON'T THINK ADULTS WOULD BE PLAYING LIKE KIDS IN FRONT OF A ELDERLY PERSON!

Cuphead himself
-Please stop putting hair on cuphead...I don't like the style....yes I admit I did it once in the past but I hated it....so please...I really don't think giving cuphead hair is a good option...let's keep cuphead just cuphead...not a total prick.

-....Can we all agree that making  cuphead an adult doing it with his brother is wrong...? Can we...?

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