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Captain Kwon gets out from the police's car and goes straight into the precinct. After securing her children in safest place she could find, she goes quickly to have the emergency meeting. This is not a normal situation at all.

The men waiting for her is then saluting her before following her onto the meeting room.

"How is Prosecutor Kim?"

That is the first question coming out from her. Everyone is agitated.

"He's still coping up. Prosecutor Son is with him right now, well, at least, he said that he would look up to both Prosecutor Son and CSI Do. We have assigned both officers to keep the eye on them."

"What is our strategy to take out this massive attack? Now that we know that Jung Minki is attacking us, do you have any counterpart strategy to tackle them?"

"We are coordinating with the prison's guards. Whoever let him out has connection,"  Jongdae claims, "and also, we have report from the mental institution where Kyunghan were hospitalized. They claimed that they didn't know anything but they gave us the guests' list. One particular guest have taken our interest."

Minho puts the official photo along with the description. "His name is Park Kiha. We don't really know who he is but he has been regular visitor for Do Kyunghan for several times before he was known to be released."

"So, he's the only person of interest?"

"Yes, Sir,"  Sehun says, "Detective Park is now looking out for him. She will contact us as soon as she finds him."

"Great,"  Captain Kwon says, "Officer Bae, keep digging about this man. If he's the one who could manipulate everyone into believing Do Kyungsoo was Do Kyunghan, he could have held many information."

"Yes, Sir."

"And what is about the latest dead victims? Have we identified him?"

"In the process, Sir,"  Minho answers, "however, if we are to justify their identities, they are both Mrs. Jung Minki and Kim Joonmyeon. Their killing was brutal and they were tortured, for sure. But this is where Prosecutor Park Sunyoung gets confused. Her latest report said that every single one important people inside the mafia gank was loyal to Mrs. Jung. So this is a very weird conclusion if the killings were done by them."

"And that is why we are still waiting for the examination result. We are still yet to believe that those bodies belong to them."

Captain Kwon nods to the explanation. "And for us all, no matter how, we need to look out for our safety. It seems to be the best if we are together until this is over. Let's work."

"Yes, Sir." 

They all are dismissing themselves and go toward their own stations. "I would check the morgue. If the news can be sent faster, it will be better,"  Minho claims and they all nod. Morgue isn't far from their place so he can go alone. Besides, after Seulgi was found missing, the prosecutors are around.

"Have you contacted Detective Park, Detective Oh?"  Sehun nods and Sooyoung, around half an hour ago, reported that she was still following the clues. They seemed to have found the address but he was not there.

"I will go back to Prosecutor Kim's house again,"  Jongdae says, "they still need detective to overseer even though we know for sure that there will be no trace left."

"Have they found the kids?"

Jongdae shakes his head. "I would like to think it is better that they are really with their mother instead of being along."

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