Chapter 2:

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Finally after a couple minutes I was forced to get out by my car sickness.I gasp for air feeling the hot sun against my legs.I was standing crouched as if I were a vampire and looked straight ahead "Ocean"! I yell out.Oh No No No,anything but ocean.I heard on the news what happens when you live near or on ocean and before I could finish me and my subconscious conversations "Yeah were surrounded by it"my mom who happens to be pulling things out of the fully stocked trailer.I look to the right of me and see what looks like an office and I look to the left of me and see a tented up rv with a golf cart.Finally I come to sense and "Whatever"comes out of my mouth like a spoiled brat.After loads and loads of unpacking we finally decide to go to bed,but me being the asthmatic I am,I start to have panic attack about my new surroundings.Soonly after hours and hours of playing "Don't drop that thunthun"I finally fall a sleep.

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