The Note

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cough,cough. Jamey's dad had obviously just woken up. And like always he started to roll over in bed and moan .because he had a hang over. Jamey was a teenage girl who was 16 she had no money and neither did her dad. Well he did but all he did with it was go around grabbing beers with it.

Jamey couldn't have cared less about her dad. He was a abusive drunk who cared for no one but himself. Why would she. Ever since her mum died all it was, was a endless cycle of abuse and depression. Days got worse and worse by the hour. She would come home ( to a dump she calls home which is barley a home If all there is is broken beer bottles a small tv and a tiny rusting fridge.)After school and that wasn't exactly perfect she got bullied and hurt so hurt she had new bruises every day from different people.

She knew it was time for a change but where could she go she couldn't just go away she wouldn't last a day, she couldn't ask a friend she had none. If she told someone anyone things might get better but she would be put in care. Her life was at a dead end she couldn't do a thing. She kept telling herself things were going to change. " Yeah right." Jamey thought aloud

bang...Bang....BANG. Her wasted idiotic father was walking into everything in his site upstairs. Jamey got scared. He was always loud when waking up but... Not this loud.

Jamey's dad had woken up obviously still drunk from the night before at the pub. But today he was worse then ever he started to walk then run then sprint towards Jamey. She tried to run but he was catching up! " please no, leave me alone. I haven't done anything " screamed Jamey for her life

" Get back here ! " shouted Jamey's dad angrily. THUMP Jamey landed face first on the floor. Her crimson blue eyes full of sadness and rage. The last thing she could here before her eyes shutting was the life ruining laugh from her dad.

When Jamey woke up she had bruises every where, she had a pounding head ace and had blood dripping down her face. Her dad was no where to be seen and she was scared. Where had he gone was he waiting to hurt her again on his drunken rampage. " That's it this time dad... I'm calling the cops " shouted Jamey across the house. Slowly she reached for the nineteen eight styled phone ( because that's the most they could afford ) and she dialled 999... The phone rang then she heard a voice say hello this is the emergency call agency what is your problem. She waited five seconds before answering just incase they wanted to say more." H H Hello " Jamey whined as she finally stood up strait. I hate my stutter she thought to herself. " what is your problem repeated the person on the other end of the line.

" R r right sorry, yes, hello my dad he's been attacking me abusing me ." Stammered Jamey.

"Right we'll be there soon where is he."

Jamey knew strait away where he was... He was at the pub. "He's at t t the Oakley pub" squeaked Jamey." Ok thank you ma'am well be there to take you to child services soon.thank you and see you soon" exclaimed the lady proudly

Jamey sat on the two legged sofa and sank down with a sigh of relief." YES' she shouted at the top of her lungs she had finally done it she'd finally punished her dad. All she could do now was wait, wait for the new and wonderful life to come.

When Jamey got to the care home she was scared. She was worried about how people would react to having a new person come someone who they don't know sleep in their home and eat their food. She walked in with the police women and her lots of laughing then... It all stopped the laughing the running it all just stopped. Then all at once everyone turned their head as quick as a flash to Jamey and Jamey could feel her stammer coming. Even though she was sixteen and would normally be strong in a situation she wasn't . She wasn't scared of all the people looking at her or the sudden silence or even sending her own dad to jail. She was scared because of the note that she found at her doorstep as she left the house... A anonymous note that wasn't from the police or her dad. It was someone who wanted to see her .

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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