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April 29, 2051, Antarctica (Earth). The desolate snowy land stretched across as far as the eye could see. A powerful blizzard ripped across the landscape, blowing snow across this empty land of ice. There was no life in sight, except for two brave explorers slowly trotting across the landscape in the furious blizzard. The snow was up to their waist as they searched desperately for shelter from the ever-raging storm. If you were to view the two from above, you would only see two large, blue, winter coats moving slowly through the snow. One of them spoke loudly to the one behind him, because the blizzard was as loud as a tornado ripping across the American Great Plains.


Then the ice cracked beneath them as it soon shattered like a glass window if a large rock had been thrown through it. The two men landed on the cold, hard, rocky ground with a large 'thud'. They slowly got back up and they both pulled out pickaxes. Merged into the pickaxes were flashlights.

"Good thing the boss invested into these pick-lights," said the second man.

They both pointed the lights at a large ice block in the cavern they had fallen into. The ice seemed abnormal, like someone had cut it into a perfect cube. The men stood confused, because no one had ever gone this far out into the antarctic tundra, or so they thought. One of the men analyzed the ice and noticed a small symbol carved into the side of the ice; the symbol looked like a W. The first man walked over to the middle of the ice block and wiped some of the frost off of the ice to see what might be trapped inside this icy tomb. The man stumbled back, startled, as he stared face to face with a strange, frozen, creature. It was very human like, yet very different. It was missing and arm, an eye, and its entire bottom half from the waist down. It's arm was almost triangle shaped and it was reaching up as if the creature was immediately frozen in the block. There was an X over the spot where one of the creatures eyes was supposed to be. The other eye had no pupil. The two men decided to mine the creature out of the ice block.

"Well whatever it is, it's dead"

The second man crouched over the frozen corpse of the creature, trying to figure out what it was. Suddenly, the creature's arm jolted up and grabbed the foot of the second man. He fell backwards, terrified that the creature was alive.

"Where... am I?" the creature asked, very confused.

Zingris let go of the man and stood up; well, he tried to. He then noticed that he was missing his bottom half and one of his arms. He used his magic to quickly regenerate his legs and arm. He created a campfire at the center of the cave and sat down in front of it.

"Come here and sit, don't be fearful," said Zingris.

The two explorers reluctantly walked over and sat down by the fire.

"What, er... who are you?" asked the first man.

"My name is Zingris, and I am... "

For the first time in Zingris' life, he wasn't sure who he was anymore. He was supposed to be a big and terrifying villain, but he had now twice been defeated by the Smash Clashers. He had failed being a villain, and no one considered him a good guy, so he wasn't sure.

" ... I'm not sure," said Zingris sadly.

"Well, why don't you start from the beginning," asked the man.

"Yes, the beginning," Zingris thought to himself.

Zingris sat and tried to remember his life in Majestia as a young boy.

"Well, it started a long time ago... "

Majestia 2: The Zingris StoryWhere stories live. Discover now