Magical You Say ? ✨

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Here's a requested imagine for Bea! Thank you for requesting love ❤️ Hopefully this turns out how you wanted it to be!

Narrators P.O.V:

"That was so scary" I shivered as Zach held me close. We started walking heading back to the car, to head home from a good day of rides and amusement park food. *Skip a bit into the car ride* "Put this blind fold on, I have something to show you before we get home" Zach winked, he carefully pulled the fold around my eyes"....


     Waking up to a surprise of breakfast in bed by the boys and Christina. The melody of "Happy Birthday" was sung, it had filled the room with joy and laughter since the boys started goofing off half way through the song.
   "....Happy birthday to youuu", I blew put the    candles  that were sunk into a delious blueberry pancake stack that had been        carefully drizzled with syrup on top.
      Christina took out the candles and handed me a fork and knife. I looked upon the white plate that had been also filled with color due to the variatey of fruits.
              *Skip to after the breakfast*
   As I got finished with the plater, I sat on the edge of my bed to only come upon a gift bag with a note attached. I reached down and grabbed the small cardstock note and read....

       —Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy the delicous pancakes and assorted fruits.

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