Unexpectly Turned.

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Book review by I_Dxnt_Even_Knxw
Author: ElizabethelizaBlack

I hope you are happy with your review :) and I have not offended you. Another further questions or want to say something, feel free to message me. I haven't read it all but if you wish for me to read some more with an updated review, just let me know.

"Unexpectly Turned".
I think this title is a creative title. It's short, memorable and very much sums up the idea of the main character, Kale.

The description of the story sums up the book, which is good. As that is what you need. However, I feel it is a bit short. I feel it did not catch my attention as a description should (not that it did not at all). Though, "vampire" is not really my genre anyway.

Grammar and sentence structure:
Your grammar was very good. A lot better than most people I know, including myself. The sentence structure was great. However, I do think you need to go over the book as there are a few little mistakes like commas, mixed up words, added in an extra word and missing words. But there are only a small amount. Apart from that, your description of things are good and paint a clear imagine for the reader.

To be honest, "vampire" is not my genre. So, I was not entirely hooked. But I have to be honest when I say there was a few times when I wanted to keep reading as I was intrigued to find out what happened next. Which is very important in a book. It also shows good skill, considering I don't really read vampire genres. Usually them kind of books don't keep me interested the way your one did. I did see in the comments the amount of people who clearly did enjoy it. You had quit an audience. So, for vampire genre readers, I'd definitely recommend it. The overall plot was good and original. There was a bit of confusing parts and scenes that were unrealistic. Like when Kale met that one character by running into him. Usually, you don't click that fast to suddenly go out drinking with him. But the idea of where you were going with that.

I feel like there could be a bit more of a character develop with Kale. It would be nice to get to see more character traits and get to know him, so the audience can connect with the main character some more. I have not read the whole thing, so maybe there is more of a character development in the end but it should start to progress in the beginning too.
There seems to be a progressing character development with Teal as it reveals more about your past. As well as other characters as you learn about their lives. But again, there should be more signs of character traits.

Overall comment:
Again, it is not my kind of genre but it still kept my interest. Which is very good and shows good skill. It could use just a little bit of editing to change them very few mistakes I mentioned above. In the beginning, I noticed that you were going back and forth between tenses, which I see what you were doing. Although I did find it a bit confusing at first. Maybe try putting it in a different font or put something to point that out. It's up to you. I also felt in some parts the story went a bit fast. I can see that it probably had to and why but I'd suggest maybe trying to lengthen it? With maybe even more description, etc? Again, that's up to you.

Overall, I liked the story. It was original and made a good storyline.

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