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༼ "Your card has been declined" The cashier muttered, voice bored as they flatly eyed up the huge pile of instant noodles that Jungkook had brought to the counter.

The boy in question felt his cheeks grow hot with embarrassment as he hurriedly snatched his debit card back and dug into his pockets; hopefully searching for any sort of cash. Naturally he came up empty.

"I-I'm so sorry... I don't have anything else to pay with." He spoke out, nervous and clearly mortified, the cashier rolled their eyes and waved him off, leaving him to do nothing more than leave the run-down convenience store with his head hung low.

Damn, who the hell was too poor to even buy instant noodles? ༽

༼ "Woah, who's he?" Jimin's voice tore Jungkook's attention away from his phone, causing the boy to follow his gaze across the hall towards where a group of people were crowding around a tall figure that Jungkook was certain he'd never seen before.

"I... don't know," He replied in a distant voice, doe-eyes rounding as he stared at the figure, drinking in everything from his ashy grey hair to his strong jaw to his expensive clothing. He was gorgeous.

And suddenly, he was looking straight at Jungkook, emotionless gaze connecting with the shell-shocked ones of the younger. Jungkook suddenly forgot how to breathe. ༽

༼ "Jeon Jungkook?" A voice called out after him and Jungkook slowed down from where he had been running. His hair was soaked and hanging infront of his eyes, clothes were drenched right down to his skin and his cheeks were red from the cold. All because he'd forgotten a dumb umbrella back at home and he'd missed his bus.

Of course, he didn't expect to turn around to see Kim Taehyung standing across from him - looking perfect as usual with an umbrella carefully held in his hand, blocking him from getting unceremoniously wet like Jungkook.

"You... know who I am?" Jungkook blinked his confusion. Taehyung, popular, rich, gorgeous... and knew who Jungkook was?

"Of course I do." Taehyung seemed equally as confused, tilting his head a little in question. "Come on, my umbrella has more than enough room for the both of us. I'll walk you home." ༽

༼ "T-Taehyung,  what are you doing?" Jungkook could only release a gasp as he was  pushed against the bathroom wall, Taehyung's knee prying his legs apart  and pressing dangerously close to his groin.

The  elder stared at him intently, one hand traveling teasingly down  Jungkook's torso, while the other kept his hands pinned above his head.

"What does it look like I'm doing, bunny?" He replied, tone low and husky, something Jungkook hadn't heard before. "I'm going to fuck you." ༽

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