1. who's he?

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Jungkook wasn't being modest when he said that he was completely and utterly normal. Nothing about him particularly drew attention. Sure, he was attractive with soft and innocent features mixed with sharp, masculine ones; but he was also shy and only kept a small group of friends. He was a sport's therapy major in college and got decent grades, neither bad nor amazing. He shared a small appartement with his two best friends, Park Jimin and Min Yoongi and... he was completely and utterly broke. Every penny he earned from his job at a nearby coffee shop went to paying rent or buying food.

Not saying that was a bad thing. Jungkook was actually quite happy with his life, no matter how hard it was. But a little extra money once in awhile definitely would've been nice.

"Jeon Jungkook!" A voice broke the boy from his thoughts and he turned around, watching as one Park Jimin bounded towards him with a bright smile full of youthful, and quite honestly adorable, enthusiasm. Jungkook felt himself smile slightly as the elder boy tackled him into a hug. They'd seen each other this morning, yet Jimin was acting as though it had been years.

"Hyung, why're you so excited to see me?" The younger questioned with a little raise of his eyebrows, the genuine curiosity in his tone was evident. The halls were busy as students moved from one class to another - Jungkook found that college was much like highschool except for the fact that the people who went to college where much more tired, poor and generally done with everything.

Jimin bounced on the balls of his feet and gave a little grin. "Guess what? I total-" Whatever Jimin had been saying was suddenly cut of as the boy trailed off, Jungkook pulled out his phone to check the time; making sure he wasn't going to be late for his next class at the expense of a chatty Jimin.

"Woah, who's he?" Jimin suddenly spoke up once again and tore Jungkook's attention away from his phone, causing the boy to follow his gaze across the hall towards where a group of people were crowding around a tall figure that Jungkook was certain he'd never seen before. Who could possibly be important enough to get such attention from so many people who were usually grumpy and caught up in their own worlds?

"I... don't know," Jungkook replied in a distant voice, doe-eyes rounding as he stared at the figure, eyeing past the crowd of people and drinking in everything from the stranger's ashy grey hair to his strong jaw to his expensive clothing. He was gorgeous.

And suddenly, before the boy could react, the stranger was looking straight at Jungkook, emotionless gaze connecting with the shell-shocked one of the younger. They kept eye contact for what seemed like ages, Jungkook's surprised expression never left whereas the stranger seemed to be scrutinizing Jungkook from head to toe.

Jungkook forgot how to breathe.

"That..." Another voice came from beside him and Jungkook almost desperately turned his gaze to the side, spotting his friend Hoseok popping up beside him and throwing his arm across the younger's shoulders. "That's Kim Taehyung, I'm surprised you didn't know. He's super fucking rich, his parents own a hotel chain or something."

"Oh, I want to be friends with him. He could buy us so much good food." Jimin joined in with a little grin, and Jungkook could only awkwardly laugh and nod, unable to find words.

Because even if he looked away, he could still feel Kim Taehyung's gaze burning the back of his head.

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