~3~ Creep

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A/N Hi my lil nasties!!! This story is based on a true story but it wasn't Jack. It was a guy named Manny. One of the other differences is that me and Manny already knew each other. We grew up together and we are together right now. I'll right out our whole story is I get 15 votes. Manny did save me from the Josh guy (the school's pedophile) But for now here ya go❤


Jack POV (HEHEHE!!! You didn't see that coming😏)

I said good bye to my friends Daniel and Corbyn then got on my bus. When I got in I saw Josh pinning someone in the seat. I thought 'it's just probably another of the school's hoes.' But instead I saw something that made me want to scream. JOSH WAS TOUCHING MY GIRL!!!

Well, she's not really mine... 😏YET.

As I got closer I grabbed Josh by the hat of his hoodie, pulled him off Hope, then pushed him to the floor. I looked at Hope and winked at her as a way of saying 'play along' and she nodded back as if saying yes.

Hope's POV

He winked at me... HE WINKED AT ME!! Ok, ok, ok, keep it cool. He then turned to Josh and said, "HEY! Asshole! Keep your hands off my girlfriend." Then he smirked at me. Danm he looked so hot, what ever his name is.

He pushed the guy back again.

I was still kinda shocked, I was shaking so much too. He put his hand out for me to take and I did. As soon as I was up, he put his right hand my waist then said...

"And stay away from her you creep!"

Then he turned to me. Put his left hand on my face and kissed me. THIS HOT SEXY ASS DADDY MATERIAL GOOD LOOKING AS FUCK SNACK of a guy JUST KISSED ME IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!!! AAAHAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

He then he took my hand and walked us to the back of the bus. I sat next to the window and he sat next to me. He put his arm around me and held me tight, and calming me down saying things like

"Shhh. Shhh... It's ok princess, I got you. If he ever touches you again Im gonna kill him. Im here princess. Just breath in and out. He wont touch you or hurt you ever again, I promise princess"

"Thank you so much... Ummm...." I said.

"Jack"he replied.

"Thanks Jack, Im Hope" I said.

"I know. Wow. That sounded really creepy. Im sorry. I know your name because I've heard about before. Wow. Still creepy. Im so sorry." Jack said

"It's ok Jack. You saved me. You have nothing to be sorry for." You said.

*time skip brought to you by Jonah's Harry Potter wand*

We both got off at our bus stop and he never let my hand go. We both live on the same street but I live at the beginning and he lives closer to the end. We started walking down the street hand in hand and he walked me to my house and up the steps to my door.

"Thank you again Jack. For everything." I said. Then gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"No problem. It was my pleasure." He replied with a slight smile on his lips.

"Bye, see you tomorrow princess." he said.

"Goodbye" I replied.

I watched as he started walking down the steps of my porch and onto the side walk. He waved bye, smiled and started to walk to his house.

I smiled to myself as I watched him started walking. Then I got my keys out of my pocket and started to open the door. But then all I hear is...


Hello my beautiful babies😍 Im going to be doing a q&a so comment some questions that you would like for me to answer. There is no limit. It can be extremely cringy. It can be super personal too. 💖❤love you my lil nasties❤ stay gorgeous

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