!Chapter 2!

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I decided to use Sarah as a OC, only because I wanted to have other POVs, besides the Fairy Tail characters.

I hope you guys are liking the story so far, please let me know what you think!! :)


Sarah stood in the girl's bathroom, staring at a mirror in shock. She had indeed not been dreaming, her favorite anime characters were alive and in high school with her- and dating each other too. It was like her biggest wish came true. Not only that, but all of her classes had them or at least half their group. And Mira had insisted that Sarah eat lunch with them at their table too.

She couldn't fight off a smile, she had spent most of her time sneaking pictures of the cute couples.

Gajeel following Levy everywhere and getting things for her that were to high up and out of her reach.

Mira giggling while watching her friends, and Laxus smiling at her.

Juvia had pretty much attached herself to Gray and only focused on him, while he kept an arm around her and looked very smug when a guy tried to talk to her- only to get run off.

Natsu acted childish with his friends, and really didn't go anywhere without Lucy- except the boy's bathroom of course.

''Does Natsu really not like leaving your side that much?" Sarah slid up next to Lucy while Natsu went for seconds on the food.

Lucy blushed for a second,''W-well it's more of he likes to be with me all the time... He and his little brother, Happy, hate it when I'm not with them. One time I was sick and couldn't go to a festival in the park, and they told me they had no fun without me there- and ended up bringing me one of the rainbow trees that only bloom once a year! If they'd gotten caught they would've been in serious trouble,'' she giggled,''lucky they didn't, but still. Natsu will hang out with all our friends and stuff, but-''

''It just doesn't feel the same without Luce,'' a voice interrupted them from behind.

Both the girls turned to look at the pink haired (ahem, salmon) boy who was carrying a tray full of food with a large grin on his face.

''But we do actually spend time away from each other, believe it or not,'' he grumbled as he sat down opposite them, since Sarah had taken his seat next to his girlfriend.

Sarah cocked an eyebrow at him,''How long have you guys been going here anyway?"

''Well.... I used to live with my dad, but I ran away and met Natsu and he took me here,'' Lucy started,''Around two years for me I guess....but there was this thing going on where people believed that we were stuck in time for seven years or something superstitious...''

Sarah just blinked and stared at them, it was just like the anime...but if it was in real life. Where magic didn't exist.

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