My Cousin Justin Timberlake

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     Most people when they see him think,"Oh my god, it's him with that sexy varsity jacket, the perfectly permed hair, and those beautiful blue eyes." And then they think," Please let him notice that I exist for at least two seconds, that would be the best two seconds of my life." But all I think of him is as my pop star cousin who takes all the fame away from me.

     Hi I'm Danielle Timberlake and today I start a new chapter in my life. I like to call it a living hell but to the rest of the world, it's just high school. And even though I've been cursed with the most excruciatingly normal name on this planet, I know I'm out of this world , mark my words. Someday I'll be one of the greatest pop stars stars this world has ever known. And my diary will be worth a million bucks. And when people ask me, Danielle, how did you become a star? I'll look at them and say, Baby … I was born this way.

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