You Made me who I am

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This song can be inturprided as a love song or a Christian song.


I was wandering,

Through an empty void,

Before you came,

And saved me.

I'm was wondering,

Why you did it,

I couldn't see anything,

In myself.


I really don't understand,

what you see in me,

You Made Me Who I Am!

I just wanna repay you,

But I know I can't.

You Made Me Who I Am!


I'm not wandering,

Through an empty void,


'Cause' you saved me!

I'm still wondering,

Why you saved me,

Still can't see anything,

In myself!


I really don't understand,

What you see in me!

You Made Me Who I Am!

I wanna repay you,

but I know I cant!

You Made Me Who I Am!

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