Chapter Ten

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"Check out the new brooms!"

"Mum said I could choose my own cat from the Magical Menagerie-"

"But I want new robes..."

The hustle and bustle of Diagon Alley was as noisy and busy as it ever was at the beginning of a Hogwarts school year. All around, witches and wizards of all ages bustled their way through the crowd of magical folk doing their shopping. Groups of teenagers chattered and laughed as they left Florean Fortescue's, ice creams in hand, or gathered around shop windows ogling the latest Quidditch equipment. It was an environment totally different from that in Hogwarts, one which Remus Lupin had only had a little exposure to a year ago when buying his wand.

This time, Lyall had, after some persuading, allowed Remus to accompany him to purchase his second year school supplies. Much to the twelve year old's glee. Remus sidled out of the way as a haughty looking witch with a hooked nose brushed past them. The boy stayed close at his father's heels as Lyall quickly cut out of the stream of coming and going magical folk to stand in front of Potage's Cauldron Shop to give them a little air a few steps apart from the crowd.

Lyall adjusted his faded blue coat, tugging down the sleeve that had ridden up from being jostled aside. Under his arm he carried a wrapped up bundle of textbooks from the second hand bookstore where they had just purchased Remus' new school books. They were older editions but would more than serve their purpose. "Is there anything else on your list that we've missed, Remus?"

Remus shook his head but before he could even open his mouth to say anything, Lyall continued, his eyes twinkling a little. "Do you want to have a look in there?" He pointed across the street to Quality Quidditch Supplies where a crowd of teenage boys stood in front of the window, ogling the new brooms.

Remus followed his father's gaze and his own green ones widened as he looked at the Quidditch supplies store.
"Quidditch? Dad, I'm only an okay flyer." Remus was slightly bemused as to why his father would even suggest going into another shop, least of all one which sold Quidditch supplies. "Were you on the Quidditch team, Dad?"

"No, no, I just thought it could interest you. It's your second year now, you could try out if you wanted to." Lyall shook his head quickly and smiled at his son, he had certainly not been very athletic in his school days and he didn't really expect that Remus would be either. The thought had only struck him that it may help Remus to fit in more, on the off chance he was actually interested. They didn't have the money to buy him a broom, but the school had brooms.

"I don't really want to..."

"Remus, just have a might help you fit in. I'll come back in a moment. Wait for me there." Lyall rested his hand on his son's shoulder, squeezing lightly before stressing the point again. "Stay there. I'll be right back in a moment, alright?"

Remus opened his mouth to protest, he wasn't interested in sports, flying and Quidditch but his father was insistent and he bit back the urge to argue the point. "Where are you going?"

"I'll be right back, okay?" Lyall squeezed his shoulder, guiding Remus across the street to the shop, and smiling over his shoulder briefly before he started to sidle back through the crowd.

Remus stared bemused after his father, as for the first time, he willingly let Remus out of his sight in Diagon Alley. He wasn't about to directly disobey and so awkwardly started to sidle his way inside.
Quality Quidditch Supplies was booming with business, packed almost from floor to ceiling with teenagers struggling to get a look at the newest Quidditch supplies.

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