Chapter 6

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We continued on with our project, taking our seats on the bed once again.

"Next question, what's it like being in such a big family?" The raven asked.

"Lonely," I answered easily. I was no longer crying but I was sure that the skin around my eyes was swollen and blotchy red.

"How come?" He asked, writing some more on the paper.

"Since there are so many of us, and an odd number, there's always someone left out. I'm typically that person. No one talks to me much at dinner, they're like strangers," I laughed sadly.

Sasuke frowned but wrote it down nonetheless. "Favorite animal?" he asked, probably to lighten the mood.

"Fox," I answered, motioning to the fox plushy on my bed.

"Why and where'd you get the Fox plushy from?" The Uchiha asked.

"Kyuubi always told me that I reminded him as a fox and on my seventh birthday, he bought me that stuffed animal," I explained, Sasuke jotted down my words as they were spoken.

"This isn't included into the ten questions, but am I allow to add in the fact you starve yourself?" Sasuke asked carefully, I could understand his hesitance.

I paused to think about it before sighing. "I guess, there will be a bunch of consequences on my end though," I warned him.

He nodded. "I think you'll be able to handle them, you're strong," he stated nonchalantly. I stared at him. What is with this Uchiha? Uchiha's are typically never this kind to someone, maybe it's just pity? It can't be, there are no signs of pity in his eyes whatsoever. Whatever, I'll figure it out eventually. "You should tell someone about that you know," he told me.

I shrugged. "I might, once I'm ready," I answered.

He sighed then continued. "Who's your least favorite sibling?" he asked.

I had to think about that one. It was truly a touch one, mainly because I could pick between Ino and Karin. I chose to go with both of them. "Karin and my younger sister Ino. You know, the members of your fanclub?" I smirked slightly at his fearful expression that crossed his features.

He shivered at the thought of them. "Why are they your least favorite?" he asked.

"They're always making fun of me. They say things about me, I could you could list them under the bully category. They're partly why I'm like this," I frowned.

"Like what? Anorexic?" he asked, I flinched at his choice of words even though it wasn't the right word. I didn't bother correcting him on it. I slowly nodded. "How so?" he asked, his voice held a tint on anger in it.

"Sometimes during dinner, they'll lean over to each other and whisper something about my weight. No one can ever hear them but it's not hard reading lips so I usually get the gist of what they're saying. Or in school, they'll comment on my weight so I can hear and other girls will join in," I answered, it was my first time completely admitting that to someone. Why am I opening up to Sasuke so fast?

"Why? You are anything but fat," Sasuke stated in confusion, his anger appeared to be growing but I was fairly certain that it wasn't directed towards me.

"I think it's because of my baggy clothes that I always wear," I stated, biting at my bottom lip.

Sasuke wrote some more down. "Don't listen to them, they just try to put you out to make themselves better, they're probably just jealous," the raven consoled. "Anyway, next question, favorite food?" he asked.

"Ramen," I answered without a second thought.

He chuckled slightly. "Why's that?"

"Kyuubi always took me out to eat ramen and I guess I sort of just stuck with it after he left, not that I ever eat it much anymore anyway," I mumbled the last part.

He frowned slightly but continued. "What's your worst fear?" he asked.

I thought for a moment, I had more than one fear but now the question: Which was the worst? "I guess it would have to be Athazagoraphobia, the fear of being abandoned, ignored or being forgotten," I answered. He wrote it down.

"What are your parents like?" he asked.

"Horrible. They don't even know how to raise their kids. Neither of them are ever home. My dad is a business  man and spends most of his time on trips or at the office. My mom sleeps around with other men all the time, how do you think she ended up with so many of us? Of course, the first, maybe, seven of us are my dad's, the rest are not," I informed.

Sasuke seemed surprised, I guess he wasn't expecting the Namikaze family to be so fucked up. "Who takes care of the littler ones then?" he asked.

"Typically Breeze does, if not her then Azure, Sora or Deidara," I answered.

"Last question, what's your biggest regret?" he asked.

"I suppose it would have to be ever letting Kyuubi get so close to me."

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