Chapter I

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Amelia's bedroom up top👆


Amelia's POV:

          Have you ever have those times when you're watching a show about werewolves and you're practically drooling over the totally gorgeous characters. No? Just me? Well that's what I'm currently doing this Wednesday night.

          Like come on where do they find these people, Dylan O'Brien can literally have my children.

          Without tearing my eyes off the TV screen, I reach into my family sized bag of Doritos and turn up empty handed. Hold up, I could've sworn I just opened the bag like 5 minutes ago.

          Perching on the edge of my bed I feel around the floor for the pack of sour patch watermelon that had fallen earlier. After a few failed attempts, I finally feel my fingers graze the plastic pack of sourey goodness. 

           Just a little further...

         Stretching even further, I watch as Jackson finally turns into a werewolf, "It's about damn time", I mutter and lose my balance. One second I'm watching Teen Wolf the next I'm laying face down on the hardwood floor. Is this what my life has come to?

          Groaning, I push myself up into a sitting position and rub my aching forehead.

          Grabbing the pack and ripping it open I shove three of the little sour watermelons in my mouth and let out a noise of satisfaction.

           "What would I do without you my love?" I say, kissing the pack repeatedly.

          A slight movement from the side of my eye catches my attention. I didn't expect to see my mother leaning against the doorway of my bedroom, gaping at me.

           "Dios mio, what did I raise?"

          "Mami, hey, I didn't see you there", I quickly get up and sit on my bed, acting like that didn't just happen. Real smooth Amelia, real smooth.

          "Okay, I'm going to act like I never saw that." Perfect. "I just came to remind you not to stay up late, it's your first day of senior year tomorrow".

          Yup, that's right, summer's over and I'm finally a senior, and let me just say I'm determined to make sure my senior year is my best year yet. I don't have the best track record when it comes to school, something always goes wrong . But this year I am going to have fun while maintaining good grades and try, and I mean really try, to get to school on time. The last one will be kind of a struggle because I'm so lazy, but the first one shouldn't be too hard. Right?

          I doubt anyone will recognize me. This summer I spent a lot of time in the gym losing all the extra weight I had. Which I am so incredibly proud of myself for. I also finally got my braces removed after the longest 3 years of my life. It was about time! No more cuts in the side of my mouth or the metallic taste. No one, and I mean no one, is going to ruin my senior year. Not even Beatrice, popular girl and my long time bully. 

           "Did you hear me, muchacha?!", mami snapped. I heard nothing.

           "Huh, yeah yeah I heard you ma, goodnight." I stand to give her a hug and kiss and she leaves.

          I raise my arms, stretching never felt so good. That marathon was not good on my back. I chuckle at myself sounding like an old lady. I make my way to my bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste, I start scrubbing as my mind drifts off.

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