Roll the Dice

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You attempt to spice up your love life with King Dice. However, things do not go as expected.

16+ for heavily implied sexual theme but no actual sexy times. ;(

(Hi everyone! This is my first time posting to Wattpad. I hope you enjoy it!)

You and King Dice had just returned from a romantic night on the town. He shut the door behind him and hung his suit jacket before leaning over to take you by the hand. It was one of his rare nights off and he had insisted on taking you to dinner. It wasn't often that you were able to get moments alone with your fiancée. Doing the Devil's bidding certainly kept him busy! As much as you missed him, you never complained. You lived for the moments where you could kiss him without being in a hurry or worrying about others watching. It was at times like this where he certainly treated you like his queen. King Dice brought your hand to his lips, staring at you in adoration before pulling you into a deep kiss.

"You know that I take such pleasure in having you to myself like this, Darling." He spoke softly, holding your waist in his gloved hands. He continued as his hands wandered gently across your back and making their way lower. "It would be a shame to retire so early in the evening..."

"Actually, it's funny that you say that. I have a treat for you!" You exclaimed and pulled away from him to search through your purse. He chuckled and shook his head. He could only imagine what scheme you had planned this time. Then again, he knew that he could never deny you.

"I wanted to try something a little...different tonight." You purred, placing your bag on the couch and holding a pair of bright red dice between your fingers. "It might be fun to take a little gamble, if you catch my drift."

King Dice raised an eyebrow, giving you a puzzled glance. Did you not realize that you could "roll his dice" any time you well pleased? He was unsure of your intentions. Upon further inspection, he realized that these were no ordinary dice. The circular digits were replaced with words in gold-painted writing. A single die had listed the names of intimate body parts, the other had simple actions. It suddenly clicked that these dice were made for an entirely different kind of game. He grinned wickedly as the gears in his head started turning.

"So, what do you say? How about a little wager?" You beckoned him over with a devilish look in your eye. He strutted closer, snaking his arm around your waist and peppering your neck with light kisses.

"Mmm...I had not idea you wanted to "raise the stakes" like that, my dear..." He hummed into the crevice of your neck, lifting you onto the nearest bar stool. "Then again, you certainly are good at raising my-"

"Hold on!" You giggled, gently pushing him away. You stared up into his bright green eyes and batted your lashes innocently. "Did you forget already? You're supposed to roll for me." You blew on the dice before handing them over to him, not once losing eye contact. He shivered, a soft blush and a wide smile spreading across his face. He took the dice and rolled them onto the counter of the bar. You both took glances between the fallen dice and each other.

"Lick...eyes." Your eyebrows narrowed as you tried to stifle a laugh.

"Oh yes, let me lick those beautiful eyeballs!" King Dice cried, playfully wiggling his tongue at you while moving closer to your face. You shoved him away and laughed. It was amusing just how weird he could be with you.

"Okay, babe, don't be gross! So we didn't get a good first roll...try again." He did as you asked, holding the dice in his hands for a moment longer before releasing them onto the countertop.

"Spank breasts? He stared at you questioningly.

"I will end you if you try!" You covered your chest with your arms to protect yourself. He chuckled and handed you the dice. Perhaps you would be better luck with them. You swiftly released the dice from your palm.

"Caress neck."


"I mean, I guess if you're into that...I tend to prefer breathing, to be honest." You shook your head, failing to hold back a smile. You removed yourself from the bar stool and attempted another roll. "Come on, there has to be something good here!" After letting the dice fly across the bar, you turned your head to watch King Dice's face.

"I am NEVER taking you gambling!" He teased, laughing at another failed roll. This time, the dice read "eat face."

"Oh, come on now!" You put your face in your palm in disbelief. How was this even possible?! What rotten luck! You slid the dice back to your fiancée. If luck couldn't be a lady, it had to be in the dice, right? "Of course, you are cute enough to eat, but I like your face right where it is!" You playfully pinched his cheeks. King Dice pulled away and attempted to concentrate on the next roll. He started to chuckle before he could even read the verdict.

"Whisper into ass."

You both lost it. The two of you broke into a hysterical fit of laugher. You had even gotten on your knees and wrapped your arms around King Dice's waist, pretending to whisper sweet nothings to his behind in a cheesy French accent. "Oh, good evening, handsome bottom! You are so lo-ve-ly! Oh-ho-ho!" King Dice was bent over the counter, failing to catch his breath. Seeing him only made you laugh harder. You stood beside him as you both tried to remember how breathing worked.

"Alright, I think it's time we made ourselves a deal..." King Dice said with a grin. "We try this one more time. If we lose, we walk away from the table. Alright, Sugar?" You smiled up at him and nodded. He attempted one final role before hanging his head and throwing the dice on the floor.

"Nibble arm."

"We're back to this again?!"

"I had no idea that I was marrying a cannibal!"

"Love hurts, Hun. Sometimes ya' gotta lose a few limbs for it!" You playfully left little love bites going up his arm before resting your head on his shoulder. Your laughter slowly calmed, and you took comfort in the sound of his breathing. He rubbed his hand up and down your back for a moment before breaking the silence.

"Now then...while I appreciate the this the part where we forget this silly game and I get my hands on this beautiful woman?" King Dice asked with a sparkle in his eyes. They never failed to make you melt into a puddle.

"Yeah, I've never been much of a high-roller anyway!" You giggled, taking him by the hand and leading him to the room you shared. He took one last look at the bright red dice he had tossed on the ground to give them one last read.

"Eat Ass."

Yes, that was one plan he could certainly get behind.

(Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments! <3)

(P.S. Yes, I meant for "roll his dice" to be a reference to his balls. Don't know if I made that obvious or not! XD)

Roll the Dice (King Dice X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now