Let Me Be

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- The Next Morning -

I blinked my eyes three times before I opened them. I could feel some one running their fingers through my hair. I leaned up and saw Craig big beautiful

brown eyes.

"Good morning beautiful." He said placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Good morning."

"Did you enjoy last night." He asked wrapping his arms around me.

Right when he said that , I had realize I had made a mistake. I never meant too sleep with him! I still wanted Ricky! Or a least that what I thought.

Sure I love the both of them, but right now I can't choose. These were the times I needed a mother advise. I was thorn between two boys. Ricky was my best friend since we were in diapers. I didn't want too make are friendship worser than it was.

On the other, I had Craig. The bad guy I always wanted. In a was he was my Prince Charming. He was suppose to come and rescue. We weren't suppose too fall in love. I always kinda did see my future with Ricky. But I can't I let go what I already started with Craig. Right now I could really use some advise.

"Well." She asked me.

I snapped out of daydreaming and spoke.

"It was amazing." I answered.

He laughed and kissed the side of my face.

"You doing anything today?" He asked.

"Not really. Why?"

"You gonna be a Amber house?"

"Yeah. Maybe. "

"I'll pick you up at 8."

"For what ?" I asked curious.

"I got something planned." He said smiling.

"You better not be playing." I said hitting him.

"I'm not. Just be ready for 8! Okay."

"Okay." I said giving up. We downstairs and tried too make breakfast. Until we started throwing flour all over the place, and slipped on waffle batter. So we decided too grab something from McDonalds and head home.

I couldn't help but too think of Ricky every second I'm with Craig. I knew I was going too have too call him at some point. So I did.

"Why are you calling me?" He asked immediately.

"Well hello too you too."

"I ant got time for this or you." He said almost hanging up the phone.

"We need too talk."

"About what?" He asked angry.

"Look here ! It's not my fault you kissed me! No one told you too do that! So don't sit up here and act like it's my fault! I told you too stop but you wouldn't! It's all your fault!" I said letting every emotion go free.

"You know I was drunk ! So why is you tripping."

"It's like you don't even care! Get this in your empty head. YOU KISSED ME." I yelled.

I opened the bathroom door and looked down the hallway. Too see if Craig had heard me.

"What do you want me too do? It was an mistake." He said.

"Can we just talk about this?" I asked.

I heard him pause for a second and take a deep breathe.

"Come over tomorrow." He said hanging the phone up

In some way I felt a thousand times better. Knowing that he was willing too talk too me - after all , this is all his fault.

Instead of what Craig has planned. I ended up staying at his house and going out too eat. But he had something planned after that. It was driving me crazy every second of the way as we drove.

"Where are we going." I asked looking out the window.

We were way far from his house- actually are town. It seemed like we had been driving for hours. Then suddenly the car reached too a stop.

"Why are we at a beach?" I asked as I sunk my toes in the soft sand.

"You'll see." He said grabbing my hand.

We walked down the sands hills and reached the water line of the ocean. The sun and the darkness made a beautiful pink/ orange sunset. Was this his way of asking me out again.

"I know me and you only met a couple of days ago. But I feel like I wanna spend the rest if my life with you. No matter what nobody says. Your the only girl I felt this way about. And I hope that we can keep this little thing we got gonna on. Till it's time too end it. "

I was speechless. I knew if I said the wrong word. It would mess up the whole thing. And to be honest , I really do love Craig. And i feel the same way about him. But there was another part of me that loved Ricky.

"Y-You really feel that way." I asked.

"Every word. " With saying that he reached into his pocket and pull out the a a black box.

"What is that?" I asked him.

He smiled and reached me the box. Like every other girl, without hesitation, I opened a box. Sitting there was a diamond incrusted , princess cut, blue diamond ring.

"Azsia' I promise too love you, be loyal , trust worthy, be your friend, and quit my bad ways for you. I promise too always be by your side when you need a shoulder too cry on." He said placing the promise ring on my finger.

A part of me was happy while the other felt guilty. I knew how much Ricky loved me , and I loved Ricky too. We were meant too be together. No matter who came in are lives. And I knew what I had too do. Too make that happen.

"Well?" He asked.

"As great as this would have been. I just can't do this. I'm suppose too be with Ricky not you. I'm sorry!" I said placing the ring in his hand.

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