Chapter 1

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I sat on the ground, the large oak tree as support against my back. I shiver as the harsh wind hit me like a brick. I pick up a leave from the ground and broke it, I watched as the crumbled remains fall. I hear leaves crack behind me, signaling someone's watching me. I gasp, holding a sharp breath, holding it, not making a sound. I hold myself, trying to hide as much if my body behind the tree as possible. I hear the footsteps getting closer to the oak tree when suddenly they stop. The large forest I sat in seemed as if it was completely still. I heard heavy breathing above me. I look up slowly only to see a faceless man in a suit. The odd thing about him, other than his face, was he had tendrils! I was obviously frightened by his appearance. When I screamed. he covered my mouth with one of his long tendrils. Then he picked me up and carried me to where ever he was taking me.


"So this is her?" I hear a voice mumble. I flutter my eyes open. Ugg. I had this huge headache. I rubbed my head, attempting to massage the now swelling area of my head. The first person that caught my eye was a guy with a white hoody. the hoody was stained with blood here and there. His long black, knotted hair was gorgeous. His face was cut to form a smile. He twirled a knife on his finger. He was hot. He caught me staring and I blushed. "She's here?" A girl with blazing pink pigtails and beautiful pink eyes ran into the room. She wore white shorts and a ripped black tank top. Her shorts had blood all over them. Her shoes were a pair of black converse. Once she saw me she squealed. "Hi! You must be Mackenzie!" I nodded. "I'm Lainey! People call me Control Freak!" She looked a lot like the guy with the white hoody. "Jeff, stop staring at me. You look like a damn idiot." Lainey yelled. That seemed to tick him off He started to fight with her when suddenly, she stabbed him in the shoulder with her knife. It was a little smaller than Jeff's. He grabbed his shoulder and chuckled. "Nice move, sis." He walked off leaving Lainey and I alone. I just realized I was tied up in a chair. Apparently, Lainey noticed as well. "I'll help you with that!" she quickly untied it. "Um.. Thanks." I mutter. She just nods slightly. "I feel bad for you" She murmurs. I look up at her. "What?" I manage to say. Did she know about my past? "But I find it cool how you killed that guy and your dad." She smirked. I was completely shocked. "How do you know what happened?" I ask. She just laughed loudly. "We've been watching you since you were born." She said simply.

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