Chapter 5: Jeff The Killer

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I was sitting in my Lainey's room. Dancing around, listening to music. "I don't know about you! but I'm feeling 22!" I sang just above normal voice level. I paused when Jeff walked in. "Hey Acacia" he laughed when he saw me. I sit on the bed. "Hi" I smile, showing all my teeth. "I heard you singing up here.-" he looked my iPod. "-you like Taylor Swift?" he looked up at me. I nodded. He just smiled slightly, walking over to me. "You're very pretty. Did you know that?" he mumbled. I just stare at him. Soon he was hovering over me. I looked at him wide eyed. He leaned in for a kiss when I screamed. Eyeless Jack ran in the room. He groaned and pulled Jeff off. "I'm sorry about that Acacia... or Mackenzie. Jeff's a little... thirsty" Jack laughed and pushed Jeff out. I was left alone on the bed, scared out of my right mind. What just happened?



We walked in laughing so hard. "-and that guys face when I slit his throat open!" I said in between laughs. "I know! he was like'Ah!'" he tried to impersonate the mans face, making this 10 times funnier. "I'm gonna go hang out with the guys." Ben said. "Okay!" I replied. He walked off and I heard a bunch if 'hey's and 'what's up's I giggle and walk to my room. I see mackenzie crying in a corner. I run to her. "What's wrong?" I make it to we're she's looking at me. I gasp. What I see is horrifying. "M-Mackenzie?!"


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