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So this is a jimin's oneshot, i got inspired after listening to dark waltz masquerade music lol

I recommended you to read this with the music on the video~~

"where am i?"

You looked your surrounding, big open space, luxury chandelier hung perfectly on the ceiling, an old looking piano but yet elegant at the dark corner of the room, and a large staircase to the other part of this building you assumed.

"is this a ballroom?"

You can't remember how did you get here and why did you go to this place. You thought you have to get out of this place right away. When your hand reached the door's handle suddenly some dark-waltz music started to play behind you, the chandelier started to light up the entire room.

When you turned your back to see what happen, your eyes widened. There's a lot of people dancing on the ballroom, they seems like really enjoyed dancing around adjust their step to the music with their partner. This start to creep you out, moreover when you noticed that you wear the same style dress with the other people in the ballroom. All of them wearing a party mask, except you.

"what the hell? since when i wear a masquerade dress?!" you keep wondering what happen and didn't noticed a man in black suit walking down the staircase approaching you.


You gasped and see a man standing in front of you, smiling. Half of his face hiding behind his white mask.

" A-are you talking to me?" you said stuttered, and stepping back slowly, but he come closer

"Yes, i'm Jimin. You don't have to be afraid, i'm just asking you for a dance" he bowed a little and ask for your hand. You shook your head and stepping back once again, your hand already on the doors handle.

"I'm s-sorry, but i can't. I-i have to go-" you look into his eyes, you can see the sadness gaze from his eyes.

"You can't leave a party without dancing" he cut you off, then seems to think for a while, and look to you again.

"How about this, dance for one round with me and you are free to go hm?" he once again held out his hand, smile- no he smirking at you. There's something that make you can't resist his offer, so you take his hand. He smile brightly, he takes you to the middle of the ballroom. Everyone making a space for you two to dance. He place your left hand on his shoulder, and hold your waist. He pulled you closer making you gasped a little and look into his face, he smiled like telling you not to be afraid, and weirdly that's effective. The music started to play again, you two start to adjust your move with the music smoothly which is weird because you never did a waltz dance as you can remember.

"You're a good dancer" he look at you

"I guess i am..." you said stared back at him

"Why are you wearing that mask?" you finally have enough guts to ask him a question

"Why not?"

"It hides half of your face" you said keep staring at him

"Are you curious?" now he smirking at you, you can't help but blushing from what he said

"N-no..."you said looking away from him, he let out a small laugh

"Well if you really curious i can take this mask off for you"


"Yes, but in one condition" he stared at you intensely

"What is it?"

"You have to stay here, with me" at the same time the music had stop, he stop dancing so did you, standing in the middle of the ballroom he waited you for your answer still looking at you, but no smile at this time.

You couldn't think, at the same time you want to go but something keep making you didin't want to go from this place-or from him.

"So?" He asked

"I-" you take a deep breath and finally said it

"I will stay" you couldn't believe what you say, but you don't feel any regrets for saying that, you look at him and smiling. He grinned, his hands reaching his mask and start to take it off showing the other half of his face.

You can saw a big scar from his temple down to his right cheek. You let out a little gasp. He realized that you're surprised when you saw his face.

"You still want to stay? Will you accept me with this face?"

You held out your hand and touch his face."I am"

"And i will"

He grabbed your hand and smile. He lean closer to your face, you close your eyes and hear he whispering "you're mine now" before you feel his lips touching yours.

The lights off

The ballroom was dark, like always. No music, no people. Only dust that start to piled up in the entire room and on the marbled floor.

There was no sign of life.

Today's News
A girl have been reported missing for three days. Her friends claimed she started to not answer their calls or text after she decided to explore an abandoned castle in the middle of the forest alone, if you ever seen this girl please contact this number.

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