Chapter 6- Here, There, Everywhere

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Kale! Kale! I need you! Please, please don't leave! I whimper. You were the only one I trusted, but you left like everyone else... I have no one left to trust. My voice is barely a whisper in my dream. I need you, I trust you, and you leave me here. Four nights Kale, I just needed you to come here once, and you left me alone in my pain. I end with a growl.


"Are you sure that this is what you want?" My caseworker asked.

"Yeah, why the hell would I want to stay here any longer for? All they do is whine and yell at me. They wouldn't care if I ate, as long as they are one step closer to being able to adopt. None of the fosters like me, I don't see why you don't just put me in a home for the next 2 months until I come into my inheritance and leave. All I need is the trust funds and then I'm gone. This town has nothing but bad memories for me."

"Yes, but Kiri, you know that you can't leave here, the boundaries won't let you without extreme amounts of pain."

"It can't be any worse than the pain of being here."

"You can always talk to me Kiri."

"Well, 2 more months and I will never have to take you up on that offer ever again."

"I would rather you stayed."

"All of them would rather that I stayed, but you know why I can't. You know how much this hurts. And I have no one, NO ONE, to turn to. I would rather run from these problems than have to stay here another day. This town is torture. Being so close to that house is killing me, slowly, bit by bit every single fucking day! I don't care if you, or anyone else for that matter, wants me to stay, I can't live here even just a few more years, I have to many memories that come back with no one to help me through them. When I get nightmares in the middle of the night, no one wakes me up. When I have a flashback at school, everyone is to scared to walk up to me and snap me out of it. When I cry I have no one to dry my tears. When I go to their graves, I have no one to hold me and tell me that everything will be okay. No one." My voice is in a whisper by the end of the rant. Tears making salty trails down my face. My body, shaking like a leaf, feels like it's going to completely quit working from all the stress exerted on it. Slowly, I turn, grab my bags, and walk out the door to put them on the trunk to go to the new foster home.

"He'll be here soon."

"Says you, the one who never found him, the one who can't have kids because he hasn't bothered looking for you. Or he hasn't bothered telling you. For all you know, he could have already rejected you. Don't ever talk to me about him being here anytime soon. In fact, I hope I never find him. It would only mess up my plan."

"Once you find him, you won't speak with disdain, and you will have wished that you had never said that."

"Highly unlikely."

"Well, head up, the Walker's are waiting for you."


"Hello Miss Kiri, Mr. and Mrs. Walker are waiting for you in the lounge, would you like to see them first or go to your room and put your stuff away?"

"Seeing as I don't know if I'm staying here or not yet, let's head to the lounge so that I can meet them."

"Right this way Miss." The maid starts leading me around the house, through a large formal room, into a cavernous game room, past a dining room, and near a bathroom before we make it to "the lounge." How do they even call it that? It's 5 times as big as my old room!

"Hello, you must be Kiri. I'm not sure if you would remember us... I'm Jennifer, and this is my husband, Alex." Her voice, I know that voice... "My son is running a little late apparently. I swear, that boy would be late to a meeting with a queen and not bat an eyelash."

"Well, I'm Kiri. Obviously." Short and simple. Walker... Walker, where the hell do I know that name from?

"I think you may have met my son at school already. We just moved here a little while ago. His name is." Logan. "Logan."

"Yes, I believe that I have met him before." I say in a stiff voice, one with no emotions.

"Hey ma, hey da, when is that one girl supposed to..." I hear a voice shout, a door slam, and footsteps walking into the room as the boy trails off."

"That one girl was supposed to be here 3 minutes ago, oh wait, she was!" I say, sarcasm in my tone.

"You're the girl who's living with us!" A grin making its way onto his face before turning into a full-blown smile.

"I'm the girl who might be living with you." Please tell me that my room is horrible so that I will have at least two reasons not to stay here!

"You will. Wanna see your room?" Logan starts wiggling his eyebrows.

"Why not." I say, trying not to let any sort of excitement pass over my face.

"Don't sound to excited." His mood starting to dampen as he plods out of the room.

"Hurry up, wouldn't want you to lose him when you're going to see your new room!" Jennifer practically shrieks while waving her hand and bouncing on her seat.

"Logan, wait for Kiri please. Jen, I think you're start in  to scare her, calm down." Alex whispers the last part in his wife's ear.

"Kiri!" I hear a voice from down the hall call.


Laying my color-size-designer coordinated clothes out on the bed I'm starting to feel bored. Yeah, I decided to stay, but who can blame me? I mean, this isn't a house, it's a mansion, and there is something familiar about it, it feels like that house. But I had that house demolished...


More of a filler, but it has been toooooooooo loooooonnng since I last updated, so, here you go.

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