Chapter 4: Garden Party

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Chapter 4: Garden Party

Lonnie was in Jay's dorm. She had come to his dorm to get him so that they could go to the mixer together. It was the weekend after the first week of the session. There was a mixer that all VKs and committee members were required to go to and other students were encouraged to attend.

However, Lonnie had gotten distracted when Jay started kissing her as soon as she entered his room. She was sitting on the table in Jay's dorm and Jay was standing in between her legs with his hands on her face. It wasn't until Jay started kissing her jawline that she tried to speak, although she was having a little difficulty.

"Jay," she tried to say but if he had heard her, he ignored her and started moving to below her ear. "We have to go ... to the mixer."

He stopped but brought his lips to her ear. "We can be late."

Before he could go back to kissing her, she put her hands on his shoulder and pushed him back slightly so she could look at him. "We're already late."

He sighed. "Okay, let's go."

Lonnie gave him a peck. "I love you. We'll continue this later."

Jay smiled and stepped back from her. He offered her his hand, which she used to get off of his table. They left his dorm hand in hand and headed to the mixer.

The mixer was being held in the garden. There was a dj set up that was playing music. Everyone was either dancing or sitting down with refreshments.

"Let's dance, I love this song," Lonnie said, pulling Jay towards the dance floor.

Carlos and Jane came up to them. "It's about time you guys got here," Carlos said. He had left the dorm right before Lonnie had got there and had seen her as she made her way there.

Lonnie smirked at Jay, "Jay was very keen on being fashionably late."

Jane just started giggling and Carlos replied, "Sure."

"Ugh, they make me sick," Audrey said to Shawn as she watched Jay and Lonnie dance.

Shawn was applying lip-gloss. "Okay, step one, determine at what point I can get Jay to stray from Lonnie, if at all."

"I've already danced with him and kissed him and he just got mad at me and then professed his love for Lonnie," Audrey explained.

"Yeah, but you've never dated him. You've only flirted with him and danced with him a couple of times, not to mention, none of them liked you very much in the first place. Besides, Jay and I have gone much farther than kissing."

Audrey stared at her with wide eyes. Shawn had never gone into detail on her and Jay's relationship. Shawn would definitely be more effective at breaking Jay and Lonnie up based on their past alone. Especially if Lonnie knew about Jay and Shawn's past, and if she didn't, that could be used to their advantage as well.

"Now, do you think they've done it yet?" Shawn asked Audrey.

"Not like she'd tell me if they did, but I doubt it. Lonnie didn't date much before she and Jay got together and she never went past kissing with the guys she did date," Audrey told her.

"Good. Jay's physical and needy. If he's not getting it from Lonnie, pretty soon he'll start looking somewhere else and there are only two people in this entire place that he knows for sure will give him what he wants."

"Who?" Audrey asked.

"Me and Harley Heart," Shawn pointed over to the Queen of Hearts' daughter. She had dark brown hair that was naturally straight but she almost always curled it. She had green eyes and freckles. She was wearing a black three quarter length top, a red lace skater skirt, and black ankle boots. "She's the better choice out of the two of us, since I assume Jay will be expecting something from me."

"You think she'd be up for it?" Audrey asked.

"Definitely," Shawn flashed a mischievous grin.

"Do you think we'll actually go and find Uma?" Lonnie asked Jay. They were now slow dancing and therefore could hear each other better because they were closer and not so out of breath.

"I don't know how long it's gonna take, but Harry will do anything to get Uma back. So eventually, yeah, I think we will," Jay said.

"What's the deal with them anyways?" Lonnie asked. "Are they dating?"

"No. They've been best friends forever. They've always been flirty and touchy with each other. They definitely have feelings for each other, but I don't think either of them realize it, well maybe just Uma doesn't realize it. I always thought that Harry was super obvious about his feelings for Uma, but everyone else is mostly oblivious to those kinds of feelings," Jay explained.

"I always forget how complicated things are on the Isle," Lonnie said.

"Well, when you're on the Isle, all the things we'd been taught made sense and it seemed better than Auradon. But if I never came here, I would've never met you and I don't even wanna know what my life would've been like without you," Jay told her.

She was just smiling up at him, asking herself for the thousandth time how she got so lucky to have met Jay and gotten to know him the way she has. "I love you."

Jay rested his forehead against hers. "I love you too."

Lonnie felt the pressure of his hands on her back, pulling her closer to him and then his lips connected with hers. Her arms were already around his neck and she wrapped them tighter around him. Jay once again put his forehead against hers, their lips not very far apart from each other's.

"Do you think we could ditch early?" Jay said against her lips.

Lonnie smiled. There was about an hour left to the mixer. It was an acceptable time to leave early. She pulled away from his face. "Let me go check on my residents and then I'm all yours," she said with a wink.

I based Harley's looks off of myself.

This is almost Harley's outfit but not quite and I don't usually curl my hair but Harley does

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This is almost Harley's outfit but not quite and I don't usually curl my hair but Harley does.

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