Viscera Cleanup Detail

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Womble's POV:
"You fucking arsehole!"
Me, Cyanide, Cake, and Gambit were all playing Viscera. Unfortunately, as somewhat expected, Gambit had become obsessed with doing the exact opposite of what we were supposed to, painting the walls in blood. Just as I screeched at Gambit for knocking over my (very bloodied) bucket, I heard Cyanide faintly say "Ooh!". I groaned as that stupid music began playing over my headphones.
"God dammit, Cy. Turn off that radio!" I grumbled. Gambit laughed, and Cake started dancing, and Cyanide's character came bouncing into the area, radio in hand.
"You know you love it!" He taunted me.
"Actually, I know I don't! Stop it you bastard!" I giggled as he started hitting me with the radio. Just then, the familiar robot lady announced that someone had entered our channel.
"Hello?" I ventured. Almost immediately, Cramps' voice came through my headset.
"Hey! Great news everyone. So, I got my hands on a whole bunch of all-expenses-paid tickets to Hawaii. And I can invite 6 people, counting myself. Since you four all made it to the top 5 players in ZF, might as well start packing. It's in three days." Then the robot announced that he had left. Probably to go tell Edberg, who Cramps had said also made it. Cyanide and Gambit cheered, while Cake made more of a pathetic whoop. I smiled and clapped.
"I'm leaving, gotta pack." I announced, and left the channel. Lulu, my doggie, immediately greeted me and licked my hands. I chuckled.
"Hey Lulu, hi girly." I cooed, and then wandered over to my closet. Lulu, naturally, was in tow.
An hour or so later, I was done packing. Plenty of sunscreen, for sure. I wasn't exactly not pasty.
I flopped onto my bed, performing my guilty pleasure: Thinking about Cyanide, slash Aamir.
I couldn't describe it. His perfect voice, his affinity for being annoying, his lovely hair, all were so endearing. I had yet to find a flaw with him. I put my face in my hands. Knowing that he had a girlfriend, it made my heart crack. I sighed to myself quietly, and petted Lulu, whe had clambered up onto the bed. I chuckled sadly.
"You know when I'm thinking about him and his damn beautiful girfriend, don't you?" I asked her. All she did was lick my hands as I scratched her head gently.
I sat up and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts and pressed Cy's. A bit later, I heard his voice.
"What?" He grumbled.
"Shit, were you sleeping? Sorry, I just wanted to ask you something." I explained. He hrmed.
"Well, what's up?" He murmured.
"Uh, what are you gonna do about your girlfriend? I don't think Cramps has a ticket for her, too." I asked. Cy giggled airily.
"Ah, I must not have told you, huh? Maybe three months ago... yeah. We broke up. She was, uh, she was cheating." He sighed. I gasped, trying to make it a sad one.
"Oh no. Well, hopefully there'll be some cute ladies on Hawaii, y'know?" I suggested. He exhaled again.
"Maybe. Did I not tell you anything that happened over the past few months?" He asked gently. I frowned.
"What on earth is that supposed to mean?" I retorted. He chuckled again, and I put a hand over my mouth the keep from squealing.
"Well, I sort of came to terms with myself, and how I feel about some people now that I'm single. I'm bi. As in, bisexual. Yo, after you went to pack, Gambit started being a total asshat..." He started talking about what happened in Viscera after I left, but I wasn't listening anymore. I said a quick goodbye, hung up, and sat, silent. My mind was racing, many thoughts were going through my head, but one stuck out at me.
You've got a chance, you lucky bastard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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