Lost (Dillon Rupp fanfiction)

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Chapter 1:

"Jayla, come down stairs" I heard my mom yelling at me from the kitchen. "you don't want to be late on your first day!!"

"I know I'm coming, calm down" I yelled back.

Me and my mom haven't had the best relationship since my parents got divorced this summer, she's always bugging me about my grades and always complains about everything I do. She is overprotective and never allows me do anything. Since the divorce we moved from New York City to Indiana. I don't really like it here since I'm more of a city girl but I figure I'd try to make the best out of this considering it my senior year. However I'm very nervous because I was never in the "popular" group.

"Jayla you need to leave, you have ten minutes to get to first period!" my mom continued to yell at me.

I hopped into my car and hoped for the best. I began to feel knots in my stomach as I pulled in the parking lot.

Suddenly a black range rover pulls up next to me. The driver in the front seat rolls down his window and says "you need to move. that's my parking space."

I rolled my eyes at him and backed out. He looked like that typical high school guy that was too concerned with this appearance and what everyone thought about him. He looked like he got everything he wanted / asked for.

*the first bell rings*

I went up to the teacher and asked where to sit and she pointed to the fourth row, third seat. I look over and I see the guy that was being an ass to me in the parking lot, he was right in back of me.

"Wow look who it is, remember me from before?" he questioned me "I'm Dillon"

I replied "yeah, I'm jayla" and continued walking

when the last bell for the day rings, I go straight to my car and didn't even bother going to my locker because it was surrounded by a bunch if girls (sorry I'm skipping most of the day but yeah)

"Hey honey, how was your first day" my mom asked me

"How do you think it went?" I rolled my eyes and walked to my room.

I took out my journal and began to write "today was my first day of school in Indiana, it wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be. I miss my friends and most of all my boyfriend Anthony. I feel so alone here and all these guys are complete jerks that only care about themselves, I wish dad was here to talk to me because he's always good at helping me, he's the only person that I can talk to and feel comfortable with. Well it's time for dinner so see you tomorrow journal.."

"Jayla dinners ready" Mom yelled to me.

I came down, we ate and it was silent as usual. I tried to make some conversation my asking her how her day was. She just kept complaining about her boss and how rude she was to her. Out of nowhere she slapped me in the arm and I flinched, I'm use to this because she's being doing it since I was little, I try to be nice and in return she just takes all of her problems out on me.

"Excuse me" she said leaving the table going into the bathroom. She went to take her pills that help her sleep.

I stayed up on facetime with Anthony till about 3am telling him about my new school and how much I didn't like it.


sorry that this is kinda short but I just wanted to get a general idea / beginning to the story and see if people would actually read this before I continue so comment what you think and if you'd keep reading..

((twitter/instagram: @caniffsunshine))

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