Cahpter 1

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Did you ever dream of living in a big mansion, with only you and your two older sisters? Well if you did, I'm living your dream. My mom and dad are super famous, but are always working. I live in a beautiful mansion, with my two older sisters that take care of me. My oldest sister is 24 and is engaged. She is in collage for cosmotoligy. Her name is Dakota. She has brown hair, brown eyes, just like me. My other sister's name is Bella. She is probably the prettiest person you ever met. She has blond hair, blue eyes. She is the best singer ever. She is fifteen and is in tenth grade. My name is Audrey; people call me Ray for short. I am in seventh grade, and I want to be a fashion designer when I grow up.

"Audrey! You need to come and eat breakfast; it is almost time to leave!" Bella screamed. I came running down the stairs. I had on a gray and black baseball shirt, skinny jeans and boots. I quickly ate my breakfast and grabbed my super sparkly book bag. Then left.

The ride home from school was so boring, but it normally always is. When I got home I asked my sister if I could bring my best friend Maisey to come to the mall tomorrow. I normally call Maisey, May. She said I could so I texted her and she said "Sure".

I went upstairs to grab some things I could use for this project we are doing in art. We are making a scene of what we want to do when we grow up. I want to be a fashion designer, so I grabbed some clay to make a sewing machine. I didn't know what to do about making me and some clothes, because I got rid of all of my dolls a long time ago. We had all weekend to make the project, so I decided to make most of it Saturday after I go to the mall. I carefully made the little sewing machine for the project. It didn't take too long to make it but it was hard to make it look really cool. I left it in my room for it to dry overnight.

Soon enough it was time for dinner and our maid, Ivy, made my favorite dinner, spaghetti! It is very good. Ivy even made my favorite dessert, chocolate bunt cake.

After dinner I got bored, s0 I got out my laptop and started playing games on it. After a long and boring evening I turned on my TV in my room. When I woke up it was nine thirty sand the TV was still on so I must have fell asleep watching TV.

When I got out of bed I remembered May was coming over to go to the mall at ten o'clock. I quickly got dressed in a gray and black striped sweater and jeans. I ran downstairs and quickly ate my breakfast. When I finished I ran upstairs and brushed my teeth. I didn't do anything with my hair, I just left it down. Right when I got downstairs May was knocking the door. I ran to the door and opened it before Ivy could get the door. "Hi, Maisey." I said. "Hi" she said back. "So when are we leaving to go to the mall?" She asked. "Soon, both of my sisters' friends are coming. So we will just hang out here until they are here." I replied. "Who is coming?" She asked. "Well Bella is inviting Estelle, and Dakota is inviting Diamond." I answered back. She looked at me with an excited look on her face because those two people are really nice to her.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked. "Well, maybe we can go up to your room and watch really funny videos on your laptop, to spare time." She answered. We raced up the stairs and through the hallway into my room. We got out my laptop and started watching funny videos. After about five minutes watching videos, there was another ding on the door. "Who is it?!" I screamed. "Diamond!" Ivy screamed in her Spanish accent. I went right back to watching videos with May. Soon after that Estelle got here, so we got to leave.

The drive to the mall didn't take too long, but Dakota's car was full. Dakota and Diamond got to sit up front, while Bella and Estelle sat behind them. May and I had to be smashed in the very back with not much space.

While I was trying to get out of the car, I saw a really old woman wearing purple pants that were sort of baggy. Her top was more like a jacket, the main color was purple, with a lot of red flowers. I couldn't see the shoes, but I did see a purple hat.

"Rey what is talking you so long to get out of the car?" May asked. "Oh, sorry I got distracted." I answered. I got out of the car soon after that. I looked back over to were the old lady was but then she was gone. I was wondering where she could have gone in a short couple of seconds. She was too far away from the parking lot, and too far away from the mall.

When we got back to my house I had all of the stuff I needed and a few more outfits. One outfit I got was a pink and white zebra striped shirt with skinny jeans. I got pink wedges to go with it. I also got a half dark blue, half light blue shirt with skinny jeans. I got sandals to go with it. I tried to keep my mind off that lady but I couldnt, I got off track and started thinking of that old lady. How could she have left so quickly, when everything was too far away for her to get there really quickly? Maybe somebody came to pick her up, but still only a couple of seconds is still too quick for someone to pick her up. Especially if there was no one around to pick her up. I did not want to start thinking about what she was wearing, but of course I did. The clothes she wore made her look like she was some kind of wizard, but I knew that there is no such thing as a witch or wizard.

I decided I would start working on my art project. I got the perfect thing for it, I got a little doll that looks a lot like me. I got little clothes, that somewhat look like my clothes. Some of the clothes are going on 'me' and the other stuff will be on a maniquin or in my sewing machine.

I looked up out the window to see if it was sunset yet but instead I saw four dark shadowy figures. It made my heart jump and I thought I was seeing things. I ran to the other window that looks back into the woods. There I saw four familiar faces, May's mom, My maid Ivy, Dakotas bestg friend, Diamond, and that creepy old lady.

I started to get very interested when I saw there faces. I called May, she didnt pick up for a while. I ended the call then called back, she answered. "Hi" she said. "Hi" I said back. " Do you know were your mom is right now?" I Asked "CREEP MUCH!?" "NO! Shes in my backyard right now!" "She cant be she told me shes working late tonight." "Are you sure" "Pretty sure, Rey why are you asking this?" "CAUSE SHES IN MY BACKYARD!" I said. "Rey, I think youve gone crazy and Im gona go Bye." "No Wait! Come to my house next saturday to sunday and if shes there then- well, shes there. Bye." Then I hung up.

"Audrey!" Dakota yelledto me. " Go to bed its almost 11:00." "OKAY!" I yelled back

I didnt go to bed I grabbed my laptop and layed in bed.

A little after I got on my laptop I heard a really weird noise, it sounded almost like a cat.

I put my laptop to the side and turned around to see what it was, I saw four black cats walk by. They must have been the figures I saw earlier. I wa sso scared, first I saw four people laying on the edge of the woods and now I see four black cats! I looked agian this time they werent doing anything, they just looked like they were communicating. I watched them for a while. They didnt seem to do much. One of the cats turned there head like it was going to look at me. When it turned its head I couldnt beleve my eyes.

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