Chapter 9.

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Standing in his door way didn't feel real. Silas had disappeared into a room to the left, I think it was the bathroom. The door was still open and I barely placed my feet over the threshold, still not quite believing what's happening. A door down the corridor opened behind me and before anyone had a chance to see me I shot forward and shut the door. What am I doing.

“Standing in wet clothes.” Oops. I said that out loud. Turning around Silas was stood holding a white towel. “You can take your coat off you know.” My fingers were sore and shaking from the cold, as I unzipped. He took the coat from my hands and swapped it with the towel. “I've run the bath, you might wanna add some cold water though.” He nodded to the door on the left he entered when he walked into the apartment.

“Thanks.” My voice just above a whisper. His deep gaze never faulted from my face, which grows uncomfortably heated. Before I become any more of the red mess I escape into the bathroom. In the middle of the room the modern black tub sat as centre piece. The glossy tiled floor squeaks under my damp shoes, I could make out my reflection through the glitter like surface. Removing my shoes I also removed my bandages, they were ruined! I didn't bother to inspect the damage to my feet; I just stripped off the rest of my wet clothing and got into the hot water not bothering to add any cold. I've always liked my baths scorching hot.



The gym was quiet. All jade could see and hear was her fists hitting the bag in front of her. Left, left, right, left, under. The last trainer had left nearly an hour ago and Jade knew she shouldn't stay any longer. Tony was in his office working through his accounts but she knew he was only doing it for her sake,he'd never ask her to leave.She'd been working herself far past her limit lately, but she couldn't stop herself. This time of year always got her feeling on edge, that at any moment that man would show up and hurt her or worse her mom! Even if it had been nearly six years since they escaped New Hervana, it never got any easier.

The doors to the gym slammed shut behind her snapping her out of her concentration and caused the heart to race.

At the door stood six men, something told her they weren't here to use the gym. Each of them covered in tattoo, blood and bruises. At the centre stood a tall dirty blond who caught her eye. Surprise crossed his features probably not expecting to find anyone here at this time.

“Tony around?” His deep raspy voice sent shivers along Jade’s skin. Not confident enough to speak she nodded towards Tony’s office. An uneasiness settled in her stomach. It didn't take a genius to see these men were trouble and obviously in a gang. What did they want with Tony?

*Two Years Ago*

“How is it fair that you never get dragged along to these shopping trips? Sarah’s dragged me into every shop and now “we have to look at least once more incase she missed something!” I'm serious Jade I'm going to die!” Millie gets so dramatic when it comes to shopping, Jade couldn't help but laugh at her ridiculousness. “Jade don't laugh, this is serious!” This always happened when Milan and Sarah go shopping. Jade put her foot down pretty early on with Sarah when it came to shopping; jade would join them every other Thursday, otherwise Jade had every right to drag Sarah to weekend study group.

The subway was crowded for a Monday evening probably because of the start of late night shopping, in preparation for Christmas. Jade could smell the sweat coming from the man in front of her; it was becoming increasingly hard to focus on what Millie was saying through the phone. Thankfully the man got off at the next stop, by this time Sarah had dragged millie off to another shop. With five stops to go Jade kept her eyes to her phone reading on her kindle app.

The scent hit her so hard it knocked her off balance, oh how she longed for that sweet stench of sweat that only moments ago disgusted her; for even that was better than the overwhelming scent of cologne filling her senses. Heart racing and palms sweating, when the next stop came she pushed through the sticky crowd to jump off the sub, hitting the ground running.

She didn't know where she was running to or how far she planned to go, Jade just needed to run. Tears stung her eyes, but the winter snow numbed her face in seconds, she didn't notice the steams escaping her eyes. Her chest felt tighter than it ever has, and her muscles ached like never before.

Turning a sharp corner the icey ground betrayed her and in seconds she hit the floor. Forced to a stop, she could feel nothing and everything all at once. The melting snow numbing the sharp pains in her leg, and hands. She didn't want to move anymore, the world was dark and it hurt her. All this time she had tried so hard to forget the pain she once went through and in a split second, the smell of his cologne brought it all back. No matter how hard she tried or how far she ran, he would always be there. She wasn’t ever escaping from him and what he'd done.


That was the last time Jade ever allowed her self to feel that weak and also the first night she had met Tony. Out there in the snow, he found her on the point of giving up everything. She was exhausted and didn't have it in her to fight him when he wrapped her up in his coat and took her into his gym. A hot chocolate and a long speech about using fear as a weapon and not letting the past hold you back later; Jade was determined to get stronger, so the next time she smells him, hears him, hears a sound that reminds her of his or even see someone who looks like him; she won't run. She'll fight!

So didn't mean for Jade's part to last so long but it will continue into the next chapter.

I just didn't want to rush and that's what I did by the end of this chapter, so I had to end it before I butchered the chapter.

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