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Alden woke up quite late that Sunday, given that they were out late the night before for Ed Sheeran's concert. And with Riz insisting that she was hungry afterwards, they all went to the nearest iHop, Nicky included, for some very late dinner or perhaps very early breakfast- depending on how you look at it.

As Alden still laid in bed, with no intention of getting up, given that it was a free day - he tried to make sense of what just happened last night.

Nicky isn't... well, she was different last night. Different from how she usually acts around me, anyway.

He remembered how, for the most part, Nicky ignored his presence last night and was more attuned to his sister than anything else. Even when they went backstage to have a photo and autograph from Ed, she was giggling and talking more with Riz, sparing him the occasional glance as if she even forgot that he was there.

Her smiles were something to behold though...

Wait. The fuck, Alden?! Where did that come from?!

Alden found that he actually liked Nicky this way, when she wasn't giving him any attention at all. He found that with her spending more time with his sister than flirting with him, that she was a girl that he could see himself falling for.

Too early, dude. It's just too early in the day to think about that. Damn it.

Shaking his head to rid himself of these thoughts, he still found more reasons to like her than excuses not to. Granted, he knew from the very beginning that Nicky's a good catch. Aside from her being the daughter of Theodore Dei - she's also smart, witty, and beautiful. So beautiful that only a fool would say no to her.

Well, for a while now - you've been that fool. Alden thought wryly, scoffing in his head as he sat up and thought that its best if he already start his day. He still couldn't make sense of what he felt from everything that just happened. Especially when just a week prior - he was cold and aloof towards her and she was simpering and wanted to get his attention by any means. He didn't know what to make of it. Oh, he still understood that he needed to be straight-laced with his studies and athletic scholarship. But now...

Now - thoughts of Nicky Dei were swirling in his mind.

Seems like the tables have turned. Alden thought as he smirked, thinking his thoughts incredulous.

Kris groaned from the other bed when Alden opened the blinds of their room to let the sunlight in, swearing at his best friend when he deliberately let the sun shine on his face.

"Fuck off, Den! It's fucking Sunday, the only day where we do not need to get up for warmups with coach and the only day where we don't have classes! Some of us don't want to get up so early!"

Alden chuckled as he started to rummage around his drawers for a new shirt to wear. "It isn't early anymore, asshole. It's almost 11:30am."

"Damn it," Kris muttered as he too, sat up and rubbed his eyes, stretching a bit afterwards, a scowl on his face. He looked blearily to where Alden stood, still looking through his drawers. "I had a late night last night."

Alden shrugged. "So did I."

"Whatever," Kris plopped down on his bed again. "My date was hot, by the way. Not that you really want to know. But remember Joyce?"

"From your Chem class?"

Kris nodded. "Yeah. Her. And the night was hotter, if you know what I mean." He added, wriggling his brows.

"You're such an ass." Alden chuckled.

"A hot ass who had a hotter ass last night. Which, I will see again tonight."

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