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"Evie! Carlos!" Jay unlocked the door and swung it open.

"Mal! Jay!" Evie and Carlos shouted. The four did a group hug.

"If only my only friend wasn't you, Deveral." Jade took out Deveral and settled him on her shoulders.

"It's been weird without you guys!" Evie smiled.

"Evie, Carlos, this is my cousin and my childhood best friend, Jade. Whenever we weren't hanging out, I was with her." Jay brought Jade to Evie and Carlos. "This is Evie, daughter of The Evil Queen and this is Carlos De Vil, son of Cruella De Vil."

"I like your...scarf?" Evie went to touch Deveral but he hissed at her. Evie eeked.

"This is Deveral, my snake." Jade stroked Deveral.

"He's a cool snake." Carlos smiled. "How did you get out?"

"Long story. Kim was running from Jade so Jay unlocked the door with a hair pin and it worked. He fought Jade and then they realised they were cousins and then Jay unlocked this door with the hair pin again and here we are now." Mal smiled. Big Ben rung for tea time. It was time for the ball.

"Mal, lets go back and get change. I'll do you hair. Do you want to come with us, Jade?" Evie took Mal's hand.

"If you lot are." Jade was lead to Mal's room. Evie and Mal got change into their dresses.

"This dress from the Christmas party might fit you. It's Mal's." Evie handed Jade a violet dress and shoved her into the corner. The dress had just about fit her. "Can I do your hair?" She asked Jade.

"I'll keep it down. I like the way it flows when I dance." Jade lead them too Carlos' room. They boys were dressed and ready.

"We have a performance to do which should help us beat get to top dog again." Mal told Jade. "It's called Rotten To The Core. If we find our friend Diego, he can teach you the dance if you're up to it."

"I would love to perform with you." Jade squealed. The five ran to the hall and they found Diego and his gang at the buffet.

"Carlos, my Dad will be here soon. Who's this?" Diego smiled at Jade as his friends hugged the VK's.

"This is Jade, Jays cousin. Jade, this is my cousin, Diego." Carlos hugged Hermie.

"Can you teach her the dance to Rotten To The Core?" Mal asked.

"Sure. Come with us." Hermie took Jade to the other side of the hall with Big Murph and Kim.

"When will Uncle Cecil be here?" Carlos asked.

"In about five minutes. Five minutes after he arrives is when we all perform. He's going to love it." Diego smiled.

"I'm really excited to see him. How was he on Thursday?" Carlos asked Diego.

"He said he was better but by the look in his eyes, he was getting weaker. At least he's slowly getting weaker. As in ever slow."

"Mal!" Uma stormed towards Mal.

"Hi, Uma." Mal said sweetly.

"Who did you get out?" Uma shouted.

"That's for us to know and you too find out." Jay and Carlos laughed.

"I wanted you to stay up there for the rest of the night!" Uma stomped her foot.

"And I wanted a pet bird. Life ain't fair!" Mal mocked Uma. Uma ran off in anger. "What a drama queen."

"I've learnt the dance." Jade ran back to Jay with Big Murph and Hermie.

"Good. Now we wait." Carlos felt someone tap on his shoulder. He turned around a Cecil stood behind him with open arms. "Uncle Cecil!" Carlos hugged him.

"My rotten to the core nephew! Carlos! I'm so happy to see you!" Cecil held Carlos tighter.

"I've missed you so much! Mother wouldn't like this but I don't care!" Carlos started to cry.

"The old hag's still alive?" Cecil laughed.

"Uncle Cecil, these are my best friends." Carlos pointed to his friends as he introduced them. "Mal, Jay and Evie. This is our new friend, Jade, Jay's cousin." He watched Cecil snake his friends' hands.

"Carlos has been so excited to see you." Mal smiled.

"He's missed you more than ever." Evie shook Cecil's hand.

"So you've got a performance for me? Let me see it." Cecil watched the VK's, Jade and Diego's gang walk to the stage.

How They Met: The BallWhere stories live. Discover now